Hairy Enigma

From Pikmin Fanon
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Pikmin Galaxy Adventure
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Galaxy Adventure, a fanon game created by Legendlink.
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Hairy Enigma The icon used to represent this treasure.
Hairy Enigma.jpg
Number Unknown
Series Unknown
Weight Unknown
Maximum carriers Unknown
Location Long Legs Hole

The Hairy Enigma is a treasure found in the Long Legs Hole in Pikmin Galaxy Adventure. It is a pink stuffed elephant and dropped by the Beady Long Legs on sublevel one after its defeat.


Olimar's notes

It seems to be a replica of an animal that has long been extinct... Strange.

Sales pitch

Are you a scientist wanting to change the universe with a ground-breaking discovery? This item is just the thing for you! Who knows? Maybe YOU can solve the mystery of this... er... mysterious object.