Biper family

From Pikmin Fanon

The biper family consists of spherical, mechanical creatures that have spider-like legs.



Main article: Biper

The Biper is the largest member of the biper family, and arguably the most dangerous.

Biper Junior

Main article: Biper Junior

The Biper Junior is the smaller version of the Biper. It moves and turns faster than the Biper, but is still equally as rare.

Boulderous Biper

Main article: Boulderous Biper

The Boulderous Biper is a large Biper boss made out of stone, it behaves like a normal Biper.

Frosted Biper

Main article: Frosted Biper

The Frosted Biper is an icy, small version of the regular Biper. Despite this, it is as dangerous as a Biper.

RC Biper

Main article: RC Biper

The RC Biper is a species of biper that is connected to a remote-controlled wheeled chassis.

Universal Collider

Main article: Universal Collider

The Universal Collider is a giant robot built specifically to end all life on a planet.