Green Onion Hole

From Pikmin Fanon
Pikmin: The Story Untold
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Story Untold, a fanon game created by S.g.c.
Green Onion Hole
Location Forest of the Beasts
Sublevels 5
Treasures 8
Hazards Acid icon.png Fire icon.png
Obstacles Acid body icon.png Fire geyser icon.png, acid emitter

The Green Onion Hole is the first cave in Pikmin: The Story Untold and the first cave in Forest of the Beasts. It has five sublevels, eight treasures, and two hazards, which are fire and acid. Ultra-Bitter Mode changes many of the enemies encountered here into their more difficult counterparts.

Sublevel 1

Defeat the enemies, collect the two treasures, and move on to the next sublevel.

Sublevel 2

Use Red Pikmin to destroy the fire geysers present on the sublevel. Defeat the enemies, collect the treasures, and delve deeper, into sublevel three.

Sublevel 3

Get to the Green Onion to discover the Green Pikmin, and use them to destroy the acid emitters and get the treasures. Afterward, go to the next sublevel.

Sublevel 4

Use Red Pikmin and Green Pikmin to destroy the fire geysers and acid emitters, respectively. Collect the treasures and proceed to the final sublevel.

Sublevel 5

Use Green Pikmin to destroy the acid emitters, defeat the Great Spiner, and get the Stink-Emitting Napsack, and then escape.