Pikmin V/Controls

From Pikmin Fanon
Pikmin V icon.png
Pikmin V banner.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin V, a fanon game created by En Passant.
Pikmin V icon.png

Wii U GamePad / Pro Controller / Classic Controller (Pro)

Button Empty-Handed Holding Pikmin Locked-on
WiiU A.png/WiiU A.png/WiiCC a.png Punch/Pluck/Grab Pikmin Throw N/A
WiiU B.png/WiiU B.png/WiiCC b.png Whistle Cancel Throw N/A
WiiU X.png/WiiU X.png/WiiCC x.png Dismiss Pikmin Rush Foe
WiiU Y.png/WiiU Y.png/WiiCC y.png Lock-on Cancel Lock-on
WiiU L.png/WiiUPC L.png/WiiCC L.png Switch Captains
WiiU R.png/WiiUPC R.png/WiiCC R.png
WiiU Plus.png/WiiU Plus.png/Wiimote Plus.png Pause Game
WiiU ZL.png/WiiUPC ZL.png/WiiCC ZL.png Rotate Camera Switch Locked-on Foe
WiiU ZR.png/WiiUPC ZR.png/WiiCC ZR.png
WiiU LStick.png/WiiU LStick.png/WiiCC LStick.png Move Captain
WiiU RStick.png/WiiU RStick.png/WiiCC RStick.png Move Cursor
WiiU Padup.png/WiiU Padup.png/Wiimote Dpad up.png Use Spray Switch Pikmin Level Use Spray
WiiU Padleftright.png/WiiU Padleftright.png/Wiimote Dpad leftright.png Switch Spray Switch Pikmin Type Switch Spray
WiiU Paddown.png/WiiU Paddown.png/Wiimote Dpad down.png Sprint Switch Pikmin Level Sprint
Tap GamePad icon.png/WiiU Minus.png/Wiimote Minus.png Toggle Overhead Mode N/A

The WiiU GamePad screen has a minimap identical to Pikmin 3's.

Wii Remote + Nunchuck

Button Empty-Handed Holding Pikmin Locked-on
Wiimote A.png Punch/Pluck/Grab Pikmin Throw N/A
Wiimote B.png Whistle Cancel Throw N/A
Nunchuck C.png + Nunchuck Annalogstick.png Rotate Camera Switch Locked-on Foe
Nunchuk Z.png Lock-on Cancel Lock-on
Wiimote 1.png Switch Captains
Wiimote 2.png
Wiimote Plus.png Pause Game
Wiimote Minus.png Toggle Overhead Mode N/A
Nunchuck Annalogstick.png Move Captain
Wiimote Dpad up.png Use Spray Switch Pikmin Level Use Spray
Wiimote Dpad leftright.png Switch Spray Switch Pikmin Type Switch Spray
Wiimote Dpad down.png Sprint Switch Pikmin Level Sprint
Shake Wiimote Icon.png Punch/Pluck/Grab Pikmin Throw N/A
Nunchuk shake.png Dismiss Pikmin Rush Foe


Button Empty-Handed Holding Pikmin Locked-on
3DS A.png Punch/Pluck/Grab Pikmin Throw N/A
3DS B.png Whistle Cancel Throw N/A
3DS X.png Dismiss Pikmin Rush Foe
3DS Y.png Lock-on Cancel Lock-on
3DS L.png Switch Captains
3DS R.png
3DS Start.png Pause Game
3DS Select.png Toggle Overhead Mode N/A
3DS Stick.png Move Captain
3DS Pad.png Up Use Spray Switch Pikmin Level Use Spray
3DS Pad.png Left / Right Switch Spray Switch Pikmin Type Switch Spray
3DS Pad.png Down Sprint Switch Pikmin Level Sprint

Upper Screen contains the Pikmin 3-style minimap. Lower Screen contains a zoomed-in, top-down version of the level around the captain, with the stylus serving as the cursor and two buttons rotating the camera.

GameCube Controller

Button Empty-Handed Holding Pikmin Locked-on
GCN A.png Punch/Pluck/Grab Pikmin Throw N/A
GCN B.png Whistle Cancel Throw N/A
GCN X.png Dismiss Pikmin Rush Foe
GCN Y.png Lock-on Cancel Lock-on
GCN L.png Switch Captains
GCN R.png
GCN Start.png Pause Game
GCN Z.png Toggle Overhead Mode N/A
GCN Stick.png Move Captain
GCN Dpadup.png Use Spray Switch Pikmin Level Use Spray
GCN Dpadleftright.png Switch Spray Switch Pikmin Type Switch Spray
GCN Dpaddown.png Sprint Switch Pikmin Level Sprint
GCN Cup.png Extend Cursor
GCN Cdown.png Retract Cursor
GCN Cleftright.png Rotate Camera