Plug-bug family

From Pikmin Fanon

The plug-bug family consists of subterranean worm-like creatures that cover their burrows, which often are important passageways, with rocks or other debris.


Icy Rocktor

Main article: Icy Rocktor

The Icy Rocktor dwells within holes and tunnels to block entrance into them and harnesses ice.

Insecure Glimworm

Main article: Insecure Glimworm

The Insecure Glimworm disguises itself as a burrow to lure prey in.


Main article: Rocktor

The Rocktor dwells within holes and tunnels to block entrance into them.

Tunnelshrub Mocktor

Main article: Tunnelshrub Mocktor

The Tunnelshrub Mocktor conceals its multiple burrows under vegetation.