Tin Labyrinth

From Pikmin Fanon
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Tin Labyrinth
Artifacts x??
Location Placid Plains
Overall theme Ore mines
Sublevels 3
Hazards Poison, Acid

Tin Labyrinth is the second cave in Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity. It has three sublevels, with poison and acid hazards. Green Pikmin are found here.


The player treks through the cave like any other. On sublevel two, 20 Green Pikmin are found near an Onion Golem. The player must use the Green Pikmin and White Pikmin to traverse the acid and poison hazards. Olimar and co. find a Giant Acidic Toxibeetle at the end of the cave, and can defeat it to produce the Barren Effigy.

Olimar inspects the effigy, noting that it looks like a Hocotatian. He turns it around, and finds a glowing rune on its back. He touches it, and his vision blacks out. This is what he sees next.

After The Vision

Olimar wakes up with his cohorts all worried about his safety. He passed out when he touched the rune, and it disappeared as soon as he woke up. Olimar decides that the vision is just a dream, and moves on to escaping the cave with his crew.





