
From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 08:15, 1 July 2024 by Jody (talk | contribs)

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/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */

 *Colored usernames for staff members.
/* Administrators */
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.mw-userlink[title="User:Peach Bulborb"],
.mw-userlink[title="User:Volatile Dweevil"],
#whoadmin a { color: #f1c !important; }

/* Bureaucrats */
.mw-userlink[title="User:Sir Pikmin"],
#whobureaucrat a { color: #a0d !important; }

/* Interface administrators */
.mw-userlink[title="User:Trig Jegman"],
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 *Edit section.
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 *External link.
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 *Lua navbox.
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