Calcifus Dweevil

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Template:Pikmin 4: Dual Worlds

Calcifus Dweevil
Scientific name Mandarachnia armosia
Family Dweevil
Caves Scuttling Sanctum
Attacks Crystallizes enemies, Crystallizes Pikmin

This strange dweevil can spit a substance that covers creatures in a strong crystalline shell from holes in it's mandibles, mainly at fellow dweevils. Said shell only breaks after serious damage, usually taking 10-30 Rock Pikmin, scaling up from large enemies to small ones, but after sufficient damage, almost all of the crystal coating is destroyed. If it happens to be nearby, it will spit the substance on it, repairing it. In the case of the Elder Foundation Dweevil, only a single leg's armor is destroyed, never the head's. When Spitball Dweevils and elemental dweevils are nearby, the Elder Foundation Dweevil becomes the equivalent of a walking, breathing fortress. When a Spitball Dweevil copies it, it turns light gray and spit balls of liquid crystal that effectively traps Pikmin in crystal, requiring Rock Pikmin to destroy. When repairing the leg armor of the Elder Foundation Dweevil, the crystal can become clumped around the "Feet"(Dweevils do not technically have feet, but they do use the ends of their legs to walk around, unlike Arachnorbs, which do have actual feet), becoming able to crush Pikmin, similar to those in the arachnorb family. If you find enemies with crystal shells, try to find it before tackling them, or you may have to fight an enemy that can't be killed. the liquid crystal seems to have a mind of it's own, but it actually contains microbes that respond somewhat telepathically to the dweevil itself, and thus covers any creature that is spit on as effectively as possible, at which point the microbes, which also keep the crystal liquified, die. The dweevil has to "Charge up" for about 4 seconds before spitting again.