PikRPG (NeoCall version)

From Pikmin Fanon
PikRPG (NeoCall version)
This article or section presents information pertaining to PikRPG (NeoCall version), a fanon game created by NeoCall.
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For other games of the same name, see PikRPG.
Rating E10+ for Fantasy Violence and Mild Suggestive Themes
Genre RPG and Adventure
Platforms Nintendo Switch 2, Alpha 3 and Alpha 2
Media Cartridge and Optical Disc
Publisher Nintendo R&D, Neowhite LLC., Square Enix
Release dates October 30 2023
Sequel PikRPG 2
Creator NeoCall

PikRPG is a fanon Pikmin roleplaying game created by NeoCall.


You here a odd voice after talking to it asks what type of Pikmin are you (The story of this game is inspired by the story of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games) after your pick your Pikmin type you and best Pikmin friend start a your quest (who you can pick their Pikmin type to) after being told about a all powerful darkness you and your friend set off to find the 8 gems of light more party members will join you in your quest to find the gems (You can pick the type of Pikmin for all your party members that join you) but you will run into powerful foes keeping the gems from you it’s all up to you to save the day from the darkness coeing to take over PNF-404

Pikmin Types

coming soon….