
From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 16:04, 19 April 2024 by Ek1047 (talk | contribs)
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Nijo" article for more official information.

Nijo is a planet little is known about, other than that Bernard and the castaway Santi were born on it.

User versions

Below this point is where users place their version of Nijo.

Ek1047's version

See: User:Ek1047

The planet Nijo presents very vibrant colors and much plant life. Its trees don't grow very tall, and wild berries, nuts, and other edible flora are abundant. Nighttime on the planet is very dark purely because of its moon's immense size.

Nijo is the birthplace of soaps and bath salts. One particularly remarkable invention is a dual soap and brush called the Brushy Scrub, a bar of soap with bristles built in. The race of Nijo only has about 3 colors. The people can be born into 3 shades of brown. They do no grow a lot of hair and most refuse to show their eyes