Paper Shade

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 01:12, 19 August 2011 by PikminFan145 (talk | contribs)

The Paper shade is a treasure found in Pikmin Adventures. It is a paper umbrella found in certain drinks and is only accesable to Wollymin as it is up high and surrounded by water.


The treasure is valued at 65 pokos and only requires 3 wollymin to carry it.


it is also the only treasure that wollymin can get.


Olimar's Notes:"This treasure is lightweight and would make suitable cover from sunlight unfrortunatly i do not visit the beach so to me it is useless"

Sale's Pitch:"This amazing item not only protects you from the sun but puts money in our pockets errr i mean makes a decorative locket!"