
From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 18:18, 31 August 2012 by StefyG (talk | contribs)

Template:Infobox Leader

StefyG is the Main Protaginist of Pikmin: Before the Impact for the WiiU. Rumors are going around that he is Olimar's ancestor but that is completely not true as he is Human not Hocotanian.


StefyG is the Main chracter in Pikmin: Before the Impact and is one of the playable 4 characters. He is 13, kind, talented and knows how to cook a mean and scrumcious sheargrub! He tends to play lots of video games actually his love for video games is the exact reason he was out in space in the first place. Though he has three best freinds with him on this adventure his closest freind is Nathaniel or "Nathan" for short, have been freinds since uhhhh... 7th grade! Not that StefyG dosen't like Robert or Brandon it's that they live so close that they visit each other frequently. With Pikmin however he thinks they are the coolest thing ever! The relationship between him and his Pikmin is comparable to his relation ship betwwen him and the other 3 captains; BEST FRIENDZ FOREVER!


At Level 1

Power: 2 Command:4 Stealth:2 Speed:1

Experience Points or xp at level 100= 100389600

Common Level Up Includes:

Power+ 2 Command+ 5 Stealth+2/3 Speed+ 1/2
