Squack Cavern

From Pikmin Fanon

Squack Cavern

Squack Cavern is a cavern in the Dead G. It is located on the palm of the right hand of the giant skeleton which is the Dead G. It can be entered on the second day but it is strongly recommended that you do not. Only experienced players should attempt entering the Squack Cavern on the second day. The cavern receives its name because every specie of Squack is in the den. Even though there are very many hazards, there is still a way to collect the treasure with only Purple Pikmin. Just have a captain and a Pikmin carry the item through the offending hazard. The Pikmin will be running around and suffering but the captain will have just enough time to get the item out of the hazard before he or she drops the item. It generally should be used by more experienced players.





