
From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 23:00, 4 August 2011 by Electroatopos (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hi there folks! I was previously working on my fanon game Pikmin: New World on Pikcanon-Not. Whatever happened caused me an all of my work to be transported here to Pikmin Fanon....")
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Hi there folks! I was previously working on my fanon game Pikmin: New World on Pikcanon-Not. Whatever happened caused me an all of my work to be transported here to Pikmin Fanon. Peanut 64 seems to know what happened, but I will now be a permenant subscriber on this wiki. I am glad that Peanut managed to get me over here, but I will need some help fitting in with the new environment. It would honour me greatly if you could talk to me via my talk page so that I can begin to fit into the new neibourhood. Thank you for reading this!