Pikmin: The Extinction

From Pikmin Fanon

Pikmin: The Extinction is the sequel to Pikmin 3, the plot revolves around the new captain's return to The Distant Planet, in the President's ship for a second return to the Distant planet, much to the dismay of the Sales Pitch and the new captain. Only the Red, Yellow and Blue pikmin survived the major pikmin extinction!


The gameplay is similar to all pikmin games, accept there's more pikmin moves! If you see a Candypop bud, it's best that you throw your pikmin into it, to increase the population of the Pikmin! There is a new feature in the gameplay in dungeons, there are Mini-Onions to go with you in each sublevel.

Areas, Caves and Dungeons

The Landing Zone - - Summerstone Pit ( Come at later in the game )

The Great Garden

- Explorer's Caverns - Den Of Bulbmin - Hidden Grotto - Bombratt Pit

The Mystic Well

- - Railroad Room - Giant's Bedroom - Dweevil Nest - Caustic Cavern

The Final Frontier

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