
From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 05:05, 30 January 2011 by PikFan23 (talk | contribs)

Hey everyone, this is the PikminFanatic23. I am a new User to Pikmin Fanon Wiki, so, I am in need of some help...

NOTE: I have a game under way; I will reveal it to the other users once I am set up.

To Do's:

Set up talk page

Befriend other Users

Figure out the Wiki Government

My Personal Info:

Gender: Male

Age: 11

Country: United States

Other Info: Autism

My Userboxes

PikminFanatic23's Awesome Userbox Tower Of Info
Sprout rank.png
Volatile Dweevil user image.png
Nintendo logo.png
Windows XP logo.jpg
P2 Breadbug.png
Yummy, a hamburger!!!