PikminFanon:Pikmin Story Archive

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Revision as of 15:05, 16 March 2013 by Peach Bulborb (talk | contribs)

The Captain's Return

This was the first story serial written, and is supposed to take place after the events of Pikmin 2. It is unknown how (or if) this story ties in with Pikmin 3.

Entry One

Once, there was a planet, indistinguishable from other planets. However, this planet was very special, as one unfortunate space captain found out. Creatures called "Pikmin" inhabited the planet, little creatures that had a massive amount of might. The captain managed to escape the planet, and later returned to collect treasure to save his company. This was accomplished as well.

All of that was long ago. Olimar is a fading memory among the Pikmin, and almost none believe he will return...


That is all on this young Pikmin's mind.

Run! Before they catch you!

The pack of Dwarf Bulbears draw near, with their massive Spotty Bulbear leader in the very front. Its eyes are fixed on this Pikmin, hardly blinking, just fixed on the target. It barks a few words of leaderly encouragement to the young Bulbears that are falling head-over-heels trying to catch this Pikmin.

Normally, this Pikmin would only be chased leisurely, but "The Intelligence" desires this Pikmin for a special reason.

The Pikmin is of the Blue Tribe, and runs into a pool of water, hoping to outsmart the Grub-dogs that are following him so closely; Bulbears are notorious for their poor swimming ability. As he wades into the water, he holds up an object to avoid it getting wet. This object is exactly why he is being followed so closely.

The Spotty Bulbear's eyes bulge as it spots that critical object. It knew all along that the Pikmin was carrying this object, but having it so close and yet out of reach is exasperating. The Pikmin gets safely to the other side, and this stream of water stretches for meters before there is even a stick across to wade on.

The Pikmin is safe, and quickly runs toward the Onion stationed on the other side of the stream. The leader of the band of Blue Pikmin, a flowered veteran that long ago went on the quest to rescue a dear friend of the captain's, takes the object and studies it carefully. He picks it up and begins turning the dial, hearing a good bit of radio static.

Maybe, just maybe, he thinks, I can call Olimar back!

Entry Two

A young man, Hocotatian by birth, lounges at his desk in his office. A sign is partially obscured, but from what can be seen, it says "easure hunter". A case on the wall displays a full set of space gear, including laser pistol, radio, badge, utility belt, and a portable scanner.

The Hocotatian suddenly jumps as the radio starts sputtering to life. The man normally has it off, but by fate left it on at just the right time. The man can't hear any words, but he does hear one thing.

The thing he "hears" is that the radio signal is a 587 Spaceraid radio. That kind only comes installed in ships. Realizing that this must be an SOS signal, he quickly grabs his gear, gives an excuse to the front desk for his absence, and runs out the door into his space ship.

The Blue Pikmin fiddles around with the radio, not hearing anything but static on the other end. He looks up, and realizes that it is getting too dark to be out and about. He gives the order to enter into the Onion, but stops two pikmin and tells them to strap the radio onto the onion. They do so, and the onion lifts off shortly after.

As the young man quickly pulls out the hyperjump boost, he sees himself viewing a planet that seems like something he has heard about.

He spots a blue pikmin onion in orbit, and in a flash the realization hits him. He remembers that there is a lot of treasure on the planet besides just the ship so he joins the onion in orbit and sets the ship's autopilot to land the next day.

Entry Three

The sun is slowly rising on the horizon, reveling a Hocotatian spaceship and a Blue Pikmin Onion.

The young man quickly tumbles out the spaceship, barely remembering to put his spacesuit on in time.

Likewise, the Blue Pikmin cascade out of the onion, eager to get a look at Olimar. They begin chattering when see him. "It's Olimar!" "Olimar has returned!" "Didn't I bet you a pellet that he'd come soon?" "It's him! It's really him!"

"That's not Olimar," the leader pikmin growls.

The pikmin all freeze, and look questioningly at their leader and at the man before them.

Sensing their unease, the young man begins to approach them.

"Let me explain," he says, "My name is Saggitarius. I am a son of Olimar, one who has come to your planet before. I came to this planet to save a crashed ship. Can you help me find it?"

The leader pikmin shakes his head and points to the radio that is strapped to their onion.

"So they're gone?"

The leader quickly shakes his head, and through some motions manages to communicate that such a crash never occured.

Saggitarius suddenly remembers an invention his father had given to him. It supposedly would communicate the sounds the pikmin made into words, and vice versa. He begins searching through his ship until he finds it, and then straps it onto his helmet.

Sensing what he wants, the leader pikmin squeaks out some syllables, which through the headpiece sounds like, "testing"

When Saggitarius communicates that it works, the leader pikmin continues, "We need your help, son of Olimar. Our land has become overrun with beasts, all commanded by The Intelligence. We need you to help us defeat it."

Saggitarius asks, "What's in it for me?"

"Nothing except knowing you saved us."

Silence reigns for a few moments, but then the pikmin asks, "What would Olimar do?"

                       Now announcing contest!
                      What is "The Intelligence"?

Write a sample article about it, and put on User talk: Peach Bulborb under the section "pikmin story". If you win the contest, your idea will officially be The Intelligence. In addition, your article will be the base for the official page on The Intelligence. Below are some guidelines:

*Must be at least a medium quality article. For example, saying that it is a big water dumple is not nearly as good as listing powers, looks, and history of the dumple (if you wanted to make The Intelligence a dumple, go ahead. This was merely for example)

*Pictures are encouraged, but not necessary. A high qualiy article with no picture is better than a low quality article with a picture, so don't give up if you can't present a picture

*Sign with your signature at the end

*All entries must be received by March 30. The winner will be decided March 31, so get your article in before that time

*No bad or innapropriate language. Your article does not need such content. If bad or innapropriate language is found, it will be removed. If there is too much bad or innapropriate language, (over three instances) your article will be disqualified

*Don't put down or edit other people's work

*I haven't decided what The Intelligence will be, so this is totally up to you! Peach Bulborb icon.png I'm Peach Bulborb, and I approve all grub-dogs. (Sysop)