Drilling Digger

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 02:29, 23 February 2009 by Portal-Kombat (talk | contribs)


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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
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These bots are deployed throughout the G-Base, digging into the earth in hopes of opening a path to the Ultimate Dark Spore. Unfortunately for them, they're digging in the wrong place; the resting place of the Ultimate Dark Spore is in the Black Hole, a long walk from the G-Base. If you disturb a Drilling Digger, they'll stop drilling into the ground and start walking slowly towards you. Don't throw Pikmin at them or else they'll get cut to pieces by the spinning drill on top of the robot's head. Instead, just swarm them and your Pikmin will break these machines.


The Drilling Digger's name is a somewhat reversed name of the Digger Drill used in another non-canon game. For more information about this non-canon game, visit Pit of 100 trials.
