Otherworldly Woods

From Pikmin Fanon
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“Welcome to ze Revolution, mon ami!”
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Antarctic Survival, a fanon game created by A Friendly Amprat.
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Otherworldly Woods
Yuki's area name “Spooky Forest”
Tyrant “Entity from the Aether”
(Challenge Wraith)
Location The Antarctic
Resources Raw material, wood, ultra-spicy berries, challenge matter
Baubles 12
Danger level 4.5 / 5

The Otherworldly Woods, also known by Yuki's name for it, “Spooky Forest”, is the eighth area in Pikmin: Antarctic Survival. This area is the main source of wood in the Antarctic, as this resource is abundantly plentiful here. Ultra-spicy berries can also be harvested here, which seemingly have blown into the area from the neighboring Trampled Tundra. Finally, this is the only area of the Antarctic where the mysterious resource known as challenge matter can be collected.

This area is unusually perilous to explore. This might not seem to be the case, as the majority of the creatures here are not particularly dangerous, especially when compared with other areas of the Antarctic. However, there is one hazard here that no other region holds. Namely, the Otherworldly Woods seem to be haunted by some sort of paranormal entities, presenting unknown and extreme danger when exploring. What is known of the supernatural activity stems from vague and paranoid rumors and reports from exploring the area. The whole forest seems to exist on another plane of existence at times. Explorers report entering the Otherworldly Woods in one location, only to find themselves in a completely different part of the area soon after, defying all known laws of physics. Some even report entering the forest and traveling in a straight line for some time, only to end up right back where they started, at the forest's entrance. Gates and other obstacles seemingly appear and disappear overnight, and are much more common in this area compared to the neighboring regions, as if some intelligent life is constructing these structures. Unsettling visual and auditory inconsistencies are often reported in the region, such as an unnatural white fog that drifts in and out as it pleases, obscuring the whole area and seeming to ignore all standard weather patterns. Strange figures are often visible in the fog, only to disappear if an explorer draws closer to investigate. Strange noises with no discernible source are often heard in the region, which are difficult to describe due to how unlike any natural noises they sound. Wildlife native to the region is sometimes reported to disintegrate into liquid and disappear suddenly, leaving no trace that it was ever there.

Though all of these paranormal happenings are reported, there is seemingly no consistency to any of the findings, and no cause or pattern can be assigned to them. Some explorers also report spending lengthy amounts of time in the region without observing any supernatural occurrences at all, leading to some questioning the validity of the other claims. Of course, there is one danger native to the Otherworldly Woods which cannot be denied, which is the reason for the region's very high danger level. This threat is the sudden and unexplained disappearance of travelers passing through the area. It is somewhat common for teams traveling through the Otherworldly Woods to suddenly lose contact with one or more of their members, or even for entire teams to go missing in the area without any trace. The lost travelers are never located again, never finding their way back out, and no bodies or remains of them are found either. While it is possible that predators native to the Otherworldly Woods are responsible for the disappearances, the lack of any remains of them ever being discovered does seem to point to something much more unnatural being the cause. Whatever the case may be, this area is typically best avoided by all but the most experienced of explorers.


The Otherworldly Woods region consists of a forest of hundreds of giant trees with branches that stretch over the heights of the area and obscure the sun's light, making the area appear unnaturally dark even during the day. Many of the trees of the area are hollowed out on the inside, forming internal "tree towers" that teem with the region's natural animal and plantlife, as well as functioning as access points to the high branches that make up the floor of the upper regions of the Otherworldly Woods. Some of these hollow trees also hold cave entrances among their roots, which are as dangerous as would be expected in the Antarctic.

The deeper one travels into the Otherworldly Woods, the thicker the branches and leaves become around them, and the more common the paranormal happenings of the Otherworldly Woods seem to become. Unusual patterns and engravings in the ground are reported in the deepest reaches of the Woods.






  • The Mechanical Harp found in the Otherworldly Woods plays a distinct tune unlike any of the Mechanical Harps that can be found in Pikmin 4. The tune it plays is a music box version of “Toreador March” by Georges Bizet. This is a reference to the Five Nights at Freddy's series, in which a similar music box tune can be heard in the first game.