Blast Burrow (Pikmin: The War of the Pikmin Planet)

From Pikmin Fanon

Blast Burrow is the twentieth cave in Pikmin: The War of the Pikmin Planet. Falling Bomb-Rocks occur on every floor, making this cave very dangerous.

Sublevel 1


This entire floor is a Volatile Dweevil Minefield, so be careful not to accidentally set off one of them, because if one explodes, the others will go with it.

Sublevel 2


The Dirigibugs on this floor chuck bomb rocks all over the place, completely decimating your forces if you are not paying attention. The Toxicrabs can also pick off your idle pikmin, so be wary.

Sublevel 3

It seems as if the volatile dweevils from sublevel 1 have gotten pretty ticked off. The ceiling of this floor is constantly crumbling, and you must be wary of falling rocks. Another thing about this floor is that there is no exit hole; you must survive until the rocks make the floor collapse, and descend into sublevel 4.

Sublevel 4

Sublevel 5

Sublevel 6

Sublevel 7

Sublevel 8 (Final Floor)