PikminFanon:Pikmin Story Archive

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The Pikmin Story is a fanon story serial that is ongoing. New chapters are released every Saturday when possible, and are posted here. Completed stories are archived in their respective subpages. The story serial's original concept was created by Peach Bulborb and is currently being written by PikFan23.

Credits to PikFan23 and Wraith for helping the idea come to fruition.

The Captain's Return

This was the first story serial written, and is supposed to take place after the events of Pikmin 2. It is unknown how (or if) this story ties in with Pikmin 3.

Entry One

Once, there was a planet, indistinguishable from other planets. However, this planet was very special, as one unfortunate space captain found out. Creatures called "Pikmin" inhabited the planet, little creatures that had a massive amount of might. The captain managed to escape the planet, and later returned to collect treasure to save his company. This was accomplished as well.

All of that was long ago. Olimar is a fading memory among the Pikmin, and almost none believe he will return...


That is all on this young Pikmin's mind.

Run! Before they catch you!

The pack of Dwarf Bulbears draw near, with their massive Spotty Bulbear leader in the very front. Its eyes are fixed on this Pikmin, hardly blinking, just fixed on the target. It barks a few words of leaderly encouragement to the young Bulbears that are falling head-over-heels trying to catch this Pikmin.

Normally, this Pikmin would only be chased leisurely, but "The Intelligence" desires this Pikmin for a special reason.

The Pikmin is of the Blue Tribe, and runs into a pool of water, hoping to outsmart the Grub-dogs that are following him so closely; Bulbears are notorious for their poor swimming ability. As he wades into the water, he holds up an object to avoid it getting wet. This object is exactly why he is being followed so closely.

The Spotty Bulbear's eyes bulge as it spots that critical object. It knew all along that the Pikmin was carrying this object, but having it so close and yet out of reach is exasperating. The Pikmin gets safely to the other side, and this stream of water stretches for meters before there is even a stick across to wade on.

The Pikmin is safe, and quickly runs toward the Onion stationed on the other side of the stream. The leader of the band of Blue Pikmin, a flowered veteran that long ago went on the quest to rescue a dear friend of the captain's, takes the object and studies it carefully. He picks it up and begins turning the dial, hearing a good bit of radio static.

Maybe, just maybe, he thinks, I can call Olimar back!

Read the full story here...

Dream, or Nightmare?

"Dream, or Nightmare?" is the second story in the serial on the main page. It follows the adventures of Louie after he is accidentally left on the planet by Olimar. It presumably with detail the events of the Dream Den.


Darkness. Rumbling. A ship lights up the sky like a burning steak, my only hope for escape from this planet. But wait. It has already lifted off! I'm doomed!

It is getting dark, and that Bulbear doesn't look too friendly...

This hollow might provide a little shelter. If I can just survive the night...

I'm exhausted!

If that Bulbear had just left me alone, I might've gotten some sleep. Instead, I have to spend the entire night just trying to avoid it.

This place looks different. everything is orange instead of green or white. Maybe there is some food here?

I could cook up a few ultra spicy berries, but first I need to reach them.

Got it! Now I just need to cook it on my portable stove. This is going to be a long wait. Wait, what is that Blowhog doing? No, get away! This is my food, mine! Go! Shoo!

Aw, and you just had to eat the stove as well! Bad Blowhog, bad! Wait, you're the fiery kind?

This Blowhog is a good mount. I just hijacked its mind, and now I can drive it where I wish. And the moment I find anything edible, I just command him to blowtorch it.

Here is a hole. Holes often have lots of tasty stuff. Come, Blowy, lets see what's down here...

This place has a lot good eats, right, Blowy! This big green fruit is especially scrumptious. But that side of Dwarf Orange Bulborb wasn't half bad, now was it?

You know, being left by Olimar may be the best thing that has ever happened to me...

Read the full story here...

Mysterious World


After the explorers from Hocotate and Koppai left, the Pikmin gained knowledge. They got their knowledge by observing their alien leaders, noting vast knowledge of things. It rubbed off on the Pikmin after a while, but they didn't show it. After the leaders' final departure, they bloomed (no pun intended). Their knowledge increased exponentially in the course of a few short months, acquiring many aspects of civilization. However, their knowledge didn't match that of their leaders, whose knowledge was far superior than the Pikmin could ever have dreamed of. That didn't matter to the Pikmin. What mattered is that they now had a foothold on the world, brought back from the verge of extinction. And as most civilizations go, the Pikmin, naturally, wanted to explore the world's vast lands, and see what sort of challenges it had to offer.

However, one Pikmin would revolutionize his civilization, and make a permanent impact on his world.

This is his story... This is the story of how he discovered a parallel world. And it begins...

...with a seed.

Chapter 1: The New Pikmin

An Onion the Awakening Wood just created a new Pikmin. This would be no ordinary Pikmin, as everybody would come to find out, but its life started just the same. A nearby Pikmin plucked the seed, and out popped a new Pikmin. The Onion had the special ability to impart limited knowledge to new Pikmin: it would plant information into a Pikmin's mind after its creation, and then it would be expelled from the Onion and take root in the ground. This Pikmin thanked the other Pikmin for plucking it, then climbed up one of the legs of the Onion.

Onions are special in the fact that they are their own dimensions, separated from the rest of existence. As such, Onions' insides are many hundreds of times larger than the outside. The reason for this is because the Onion is the mothership of the Pikmin, and needs to be able to carry thousands, if not tens or even hundreds of thousands of Pikmin at once. The Pikmin, once it climbed inside, knew where it needed to go: the Sprout Facility. The Sprout Facility was the first place all Sproutlings visited after their plucking. Here, Sproutlings would be taught of what it's like to be a Pikmin, and they would be named here, too.

The Pikmin found the Sprout Facility with little trouble: after entering the Onion, he came into a chamber, with a passageway in the front that read, "SPROUT FACILITY". Next to each entrance was a Sprout Facility. Here, he quickly found an instructor, who taught him basic Pikmin skills, such as carrying, fighting, throwing, etc. Then the instructor got a Pikmin name generator and pulled up a name: Ignis. The Pikmin accepted the name, thanked the instructor, and left the facility. After a Sproutling's visit to the Sprout Facility, they are advised to exit the Onion, in order to learn the Pikmin's ways, and further enhance their knowledge. Ignis, after leaving the Onion, wandered around the Awakening Wood a bit, and found some Pikmin sneaking up on a trio of Dwarf Bulborbs. The group of Pikmin noticed Ignis. "Are you a Sproutling?" one of them asked.

"Yeah. I just left the Sprout Facility."

"Oh, I see. What's your name?"

"I'm Ignis. You're...?"

"Call me Flare," the other Pikmin said. "You wanna help us kill these Dwarf Bulborbs?"

"Sure," said Ignis. "I've got a lot to learn anyway, so I guess I'll start here!"

"Alright. Now, Dwarf Bulborbs are pretty easy to kill—you throw another Pikmin on it. Easy! Watch."

Flare grabbed one of his friends by the stem and effortlessly threw him on top of one of the Dwarf Bulborb's back. Dwarf Bulborbs' spines are frail enough that they cannot withstand Pikmin being thrown on top of them. The dwarf let out a screech, rolled over, and died. This caught the attention of the other two, who saw the group of Pikmin.

"They've seen us!" Flare yelled. "Quick, Ignis, give me your stem."

"Wha-what? Okay…"

Before he knew it, Ignis flew through the air and landed on a dwarf, killing it. Then the other Pikmin charged at the last dwarf, who jumped, trying to shake off some of its attackers.

"Come on!" Flare motioned Ignis to attack the dwarf. Instinctively, he latched on, and whacked the dwarf a few times. The combined effort of the Pikmin killed the Bulborb.

"Well then, let's get these Bulborbs back to the Onion," Flare said. Ignis watched as some Pikmin picked up a Bulborb and carried it off to the Onion, followed y another Bulborb.

"Hey, Ignis, you wanna help me carry this?" Flare asked Ignis.

"Yeah, okay." Ignis walked over to the Bulborb, and he helped the others carry it back to the Onion. He watched as the Onion absorbed the Bulborb, expelling new seeds.

"I don't know if you know this already," Flare explained, "but the Onion will absorb pellets and dead creatures and convert them into seeds. Because of it, we can reproduce easily… unless there isn't anything for us to get, which would be bad!" He laughed. "Well then, see you later, Ignis."

"See you." Flare and his comrades walked off. It looked to Ignis that Flare was some sort of leader, the way he was instructing the other Pikmin what to do. Soon, they vanished from sight, and Ignis, having nothing better to do, took a stroll around the Awakening Wood. He decided he'd get used to his surroundings. He went north, and found an enclosure with nothing in it. Then he headed southeast from the enclosure, and found a plateau with a weird mound on it. A nearby Pikmin looked over at him.

"Sproutling, eh?" the Pikmin said.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Ignis asked.

"By the way you're wanderin' 'round the Wood like that, it ain't hard to tell you're a Sproutling!" he laughed. "Ah, did that catch your eye?" The Pikmin gestured to the mound.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"That 'ere is one of 'em caves. They're empty spaces inna ground which 'ave great stuff in 'em, but are swarmin' with monsters. No Pikmin'd survive if they went alone… 'specially Sproutlin's."

"I see..." Ignis gazed up at the cave. He wondered what was in it, but decided to keep exploring. Heading back south, he ended up at the landing site. The Red Onion towered above Ignis, and made him feel small. This was the most expansive part of the area. He headed west, and as he was doing so, looked north, and saw two plants that had berries on them. Earlier, he had seen some Pikmin harvesting the berries from the plants, and condensing them into some sort of liquid. He kept on walking, crossing a bridge and going into a narrow walkway. Turning south again, Ignis saw a small pond, with two bridges connecting an island in the middle of it to both shores. He crossed the bridges, and came upon an open expanse. Taking a break, he sat down. He looked up, and saw the pink petals gently floating to the ground. Then he looked back down and admired all the pretty flowers. One flower in particular caught Ignis's eye, so he got up, went over and looked at it. This flower had what looked like an eye in the middle of it. To Ignis, this didn't seem strange, but the other Pikmin would instantly recognize it as a Creepying Chrysanthemum.

The Chrysanthemum spotted Ignis and promptly uprooted itself from the ground. Ignis was knocked back, and saw the true form of the creature: a giant, green body, with two flowers extending from it—both of which had eyes—and a giant bulb on top, which Ignis assumed to be its mouth. His assumption was correct, as the bulb mouth came down and tried to eat him. Ignis jumped off the ground and started attacking the Chrysanthemum, which caused little damage.

The flower creature shook off Ignis, who saw the bulb coming, and rolled out of the way. Having missed the Pikmin, it fell over, and he took this opportunity to attack. He wondered what would happen if he attacked the eye, so he climbed up to the flower and whacked at its eye. The Chrysanthemum let out a screech of pain, then a roar, and reared up, sending Ignis flying. He hit a tree stump and fell down, and when he looked up, saw the Chrysanthemum. One of its flowers had wilted, and the Chrysanthemum was mad. It was about to eat Ignis when both of them heard a high-pitched sound.

It was Pikmin!

The Chrysanthemum was distracted by the other Pikmin, so Ignis seized the opportunity and attacked. He climbed up to its other eye, whacking furiously, and the Chrysanthemum screeched again. It shook violently, and Ignis fell off. Ignis saw the other Pikmin, and this group's leader walked up to him.

"Gotta say, you're crazy for a Sproutling..." the Pikmin remarked.

"Who are you?" Ignis asked.

"I'm Ruby. ...You haven't heard of me yet?"


"Well, I'm the leader of the Onion." Somehow, Ignis wasn't fazed by this. Then, he noticed her skin. Ruby was bright red, unlike the other Red Pikmin. Her skin was different because she was the leader of the Onion. An effect of her being the leader gave her powers: she was resistant to fire and electricity. She was also slightly stronger than some of the other Pikmin, too. Then Ignis noticed the ruby adorned on her forehead. Indeed, she was a leader: in her eyes, Ignis saw leadership and courage; a brave and hardened soul; a kind and caring heart.

"If you don't mind my asking, who're you?" Ruby asked.

"I'm Ignis," he replied.

"...Well, what are we waiting for, Ignis? Let's get that Chrysanthemum!"

Because Ignis had attacked both eyes, the Chrysanthemum was blinded, and wandered about. It seemed less dangerous, but the Pikmin didn't realize that it could make tentacles now. They charged at the blind plant, and upon doing so, its limbs went into the ground, sprouting tentacles which snatched up a Pikmin. Ignis was horrified when he saw it, and jumped at the tentacle, furiously attacking it. It let go of the Pikmin, but then Ignis was ensnared in the tentacle. The other Pikmin were attacking its bulb, trying to give Ignis time to free himself, but the Chrysanthemum did not stop. Desperate, Ignis screamed. The other Pikmin were stunned, though. They were astonished by what they saw. Ignis fell to the ground, and was amazed when he looked up.

The Chrysanthemum was immobilized—the tentacle was burning.

"How... HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Ruby asked, very surprised. Ignis discovered that he had a unique ability: he could manipulate fire.

"I-I... " Ignis stuttered. He was entranced by what he just did. He felt power surging through his body, though, so he figured if he directed it to one spot, he could make fire appear again.

"Let's try this out..." He put his two hands in front of him. He concentrated, trying to summon a blaze. "Ah... Ahhh... AHAAA!" A fire appeared out of nowhere. Many comments arose from the other Pikmin. "Wow, that's so cool!" "How can he do that?" "I wanna try!" Ignis looked behind him, pleased that he could amaze the other Pikmin.

"Now, let's finish this once and for all!" he declared. He willed the fire to grow bigger, and condensed it into a fireball. Then, he launched it at the Chrysanthemum, setting its body ablaze, killing it. Only the bulb was left behind. This caused a wave of cheers and excitement.

Now, let's get this Chrysanthemum bulb back to the Onion!" Ruby said. She directed the others to carry the bulb. "Ignis? Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"That power you have.. It is a power only very few Pikmin are blessed with. If you use it right, it could mean us Pikmin could become the most powerful creatures on this planet again. So I have a request of you: will you aid us in these times with your power?"

"Yeah, okay," Ignis answered, "but I'm still a Sproutling. I'm not ready to take on any big fate-changing mission or something right now. Maybe when I'm a little older, I can help you."

"Very well. We have ancient, secret documents about this ability you hold. Tonight, come to my house. I live on the 1st floor. It's the big red house, decorated with rubies. Can't miss it. Anyway, we need to get back to the Onion—it's getting late." With that, Ruby rushed off to join the others. Ignis looked up, and indeed it was getting late. Through the shadows of the leaves, the orange sunlight casted a beautiful glow on the forest. Ignis came back to reality, and rushed back to the Onion.

What Ignis didn't see were a pair of eyes.

Watchful, analytical eyes.