PNF's True Discovery

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PNF's True Discovery
This article or section presents information pertaining to PNF's True Discovery, a fanfiction created by Star shaun.
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PNF's True Discovery is a Pikmin fanfiction created by Star Shaun. It tells the story of how Captain Olimar may have not been the first person to discover PNF-404.

The Hocotate Observatory - August 13, 1970

Scientist 1: “Mr. MacEntire, come to the meeting room! This is urgent!”

Lukas: “What’s happening?”

Scientist 1: “Something was discovered by the telescope!”

Lukas MacEntire rushed into the room. He was met with a crowd of excited scientists.

Scientist 2: “Okay! Okay! I’m putting it in!”

The Scientist put a slide in the projector. What appeared on the wall was a photo of a planet. Everyone celebrated the discovery.

Ronald: “We need to get something up there.”

Lukas: “What?”

Ronald: “An astronaut.”

Lukas: “How about we play it safe and launch a rover?”

Ronald: “Nah. We need someone up there to bring back some objects for us to study.”

Lukas: “Um, okay then, but I hope nothing happens, man.”

The Launch Site - February 4, 1971

Ronald: “Alright, we’ve found our guy. Mr. MacEntire, meet Kirkland Hooper.”

Lukas and Kirkland shake hands.

Lukas: “So you’re the one going up there?”

Kirkland: “Yep. I’ll probably win a medal for what I’m about to do.”

Kirkland went up the umbilical tower and entered the spacecraft. He strapped himself into the seat.

Kirkland: “Mission Control, do I have permission to launch?”

Mission Control: “Um, permission granted.”

Kirkland: “Okay, here we go.”

There was a loud thud. Smoke began surrounding the ship. It began to rise into the sky. Everyone in the Mission Control Center began clapping.

Flight Controller 1: “How long will it take him to get there?”

Flight Controller 2: “About a day.”

Flight Controller 1: “Wow. I guess we’ll be here for a while.”

The Planet - February 5, 1971

The spacecraft finally reached its destination. Everyone in the Mission Control Center cheered. Kirkland exited the ship.

Mission Control: “What is the atmosphere like?”

Kirkland: “It looks like it’s night, and my sensors say this planet’s oxygen is toxic. It’s best if I keep my helmet on.”

Mission Control: “Okay. What else do you see?”

Kirkland: “There are a lot of tall trees here, so plant life is indeed on this planet.”

Mission Control: “Any sign of intelligent life forms?”

Kirkland: “I don’t see any, but I hear some sounds.”

Mission Control: “Turn on the live camera feed.”

On the spacecraft’s side, they had a camera rigged to broadcast a live video to the Mission Control Center. The live feed turned on, giving the center its first look of the planet.

Flight Controller 1: “Wow.”

Mission Control: “Can you also go inside and get your handheld so we can get a POV?.”

Kirkland: “Okay.”

When Kirkland went back into the spacecraft, a small creature came out of a bush and began fiddling with the craft’s side camera. Everyone in the Mission Control Center went crazy.

Flight Controller 2: “Did someone record that? Someone start recording this feed.”

Mission Control: “Kirkland, there are creatures on that planet with you. Proceed with caution.”

Kirkland rushed outside to try and capture anything on his handheld.

Kirkland: “Where is it?”

Mission Control: “Damn. It’s gone. I think we’re recording this feed so we can replay that later.”

Kirkland: “I’m gonna go out and investigate.”

Mission Control: “Be careful.”

Kirkland began exploring his surroundings, recording everything with his handheld.

Kirkland: “It’s very dark here. It’s hard to see. Thank god I have my flashlight.”

Mission Control: “See anything yet?”

Kirkland: “No, I don’t think so. Wait, wait hold on. I see something!”

Mission Control: “What is it?”

Kirkland: “Okay, this may sound silly, but it looks like it’s made of bread.”

Mission Control: “What?”

They look at the live feed through the handheld, and see that Kirkland isn’t lying.

Flight Controller 1: “Woah! It looks like a croissant!”

Mission Control: “Is it reacting to you?”

Kirkland: “It is indeed aware of my presence, but it doesn’t seem hostile. It’s just as curious as I am.”

The bread creature then ran away. At first, Kirkland thought it was just scared of him. However, it was for a completely different reason.

Kirkland: “I’m gonna collect some stuff, then head to the ship.”

Mission Control: “Okay.”

This is when everything got real.

Kirkland turned around to see a large creature. It looked down at him with its eyes dilating.

Kirkland: “OH MY GOD!!!!!”

Mission Control: “What is going on over there?”

Mission Control heard loud shrieks over Kirkland’s microphone. Everyone in the center was horrified.

Mission Control: “KIRKLAND GET OUT OF THERE!!”

Kirkland dropped the camera, revealing to the Mission Control Center the true extent of what was happening.

Kirkland’s helmet was shattered, his leg seemed broken, and he had bite marks on his face. The creature then dragged him offscreen, never to be seen again.

The whole Center went silent.

Flight Controller 1: “Is he dead?”

Lukas: “God Damnit, Ronald! I told you guys to send a rover!”

Ronald: “I-, um, I didn’t plan this to happen.”

Lukas: “We should’ve played it safe!”

Ronald: “I didn’t think we would have dangerous life forms on there, or even any life at all.”

Lukas: “Did we record the attack?”

Flight Controller 1: “Yes.”

Lukas: “Lock the tape away. It must never be shown to the public.”


No trace of Kirkland was ever found after being dragged away by the large creature.

Everyone agreed to never talk about the planet again.

30 years after the incident, Captain Olimar rediscovered the planet, naming it PNF-404.

52 years after the incident, an unreleased 1986 documentary containing snippets of the live feed was released to the public. It didn’t contain the attack footage.