Jungle Pllifli

From Pikmin Fanon
Jungle Pllifli
Family Setic

The Jungle Pllifli is a species of setic that eats jungle vegetation and flies away when endangered.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Jungle Pllifli.

In Pikmin: The Continents

Pikmin: The Continents
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Continents, a fanon game created by Akidthatisnew.
Jungle Pllifli The icon used to represent this enemy.
Jungle Pllifli.png
Scientific name Joongalius pillifluis
Family Setic
Areas Roniak
Carry weight 1
Max. carriers 2
Seed worth 2
Health 4
Attacks None

The Jungle Pllifli is a relative of the forest Pllifli appearing in Pikmin: The Continents. Formerly a Jungle Pllillar, the herbivorous and perceptive Jungle Pllifli is not safe from jungle predators, and must still camouflage itself to avoid being eaten, although its quick flying speed allows it to avoid slower predators. Their rear legs are used not only to eat leaves above them but also to challenge other males. To find a mate, male Jungle Plliflies often must challenge one another by comparing each other's size, with the larger of the two earning the female.