Talk:Pikmin S.O.S.

From Pikmin Fanon

Cool idea! I'm always interested in Pikmin RPGs. It reminds me of Pikmin Quest, which was my own Pikmin JRPG I came up with in 2015 inspired by the Xenoblade series. (It's not on this wiki, I didn't use Pikmin Fanon at the time.) I'll have to watch this and see how it develops! – P4 Bearded Amprat icon.png A Friendly Amprat (Talk | Contribs | Projects)

Thanks a lot. My game is inspired by Final Fantasy VII-IX-Call Me Someone

Its nice to see someone who likes the idea of Pikmin RPGs. Since your watching this game I'll give you a Sneak Peek of the next party member Quill a Crusted Rumpup, Also can you tell me were to find your Pikmin RPG

It's not public, I never shared it anywhere. It's just something I came up with years ago as a personal project. I may put it on Pikmin Fanon someday. – P4 Bearded Amprat icon.png A Friendly Amprat (Talk | Contribs | Projects)

Oh ok, well still cool-Call Me Someone

Hey A Friendly Amprat may I ask who your fav party member is, just asking-Call Me Someone

Hard to pick one, especially since I don't know much about them yet. Going just based on names and species... Maybe Caliber. This list kinda reminds me of my own game, actually. Giving names to the creatures and all. Though mine is a town building tabletop game and not a JRPG, it's still quite similar in that sense. – P4 Bearded Amprat icon.png A Friendly Amprat (Talk | Contribs | Projects)

Nice pick, I'm going to make pages for the party members soon. My fav that I made is Quill-Call Me Someone P4 Anode Beetle icon.png (talk)

Hey! A Friendly Amprat would you happen to know any reason know why the original page for this game was deleted, Just asking-Call Me Someone P4 Anode Beetle icon.png (talk)

I think it got moved. Check out Pikmin S.O.S.. There was just another period added to the end. – P4 Bearded Amprat icon.png A Friendly Amprat (Talk | Contribs | Projects)

Oh I see it now, Thanks!-Call Me Someone P4 Anode Beetle icon.png (talk)

Hey! A Friendly Amprat, I have this idea of a game were you play as a Anode Beetle but I don't have good idea for the genre if you have one I would like to here, Thanks!-Call Me Someone P4 Anode Beetle icon.png (talk)