Dark matter

From Pikmin Fanon
Dark matter The icon used to represent this hazard.

Dark matter is an unnatural and deadly substance that is pitch-black in appearance and can be weaponized in its pure form to kill Pikmin or formed into various synthetic enemies which are often very powerful.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of Dark matter.

In Pikmin: The After Years

Zero Two Avatar.gif
The After Years
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The After Years, created by Gamefreak75.
Zero Two Avatar.gif

In Pikmin: The After Years, dark matter is a malicious substance that many of the enemies and bosses of the game consist of. Dark matter originates from Dark Virus, an ancient and powerful evil that seeks to spread dark matter's influence over the entire universe. Enemies and bosses comprised of dark matter disintegrate into it upon death, and leave no corpses behind as a result.

The Stick of Light seems to be the only means by which dark matter can be truly destroyed, as creatures formed from dark matter will normally disintegrate into dark matter upon death, which is then re-absorbed by Dark Virus to be used again.