User talk:Alpo499

From Pikmin Fanon

Hey, Alpo499!

Hello, Alpo499, and welcome to Pikmin Fanon, the wiki where you can share your ideas about the Pikmin series! There's a lot to do around here, so we hope you'll stay and continue to edit the wiki. Please remember to sign in so you can edit and we can recognize you and your contributions. Before you begin editing, you should read Pikmin Fanon's policies and guidelines, and if you are new to wikis, check out the editing help page. The following links are to help familiarize you with some of the intricacies of our wiki. We hope you have a great time here and stay around for a while!


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I'm surprised no one has welcomed you yet. You also said that you need help with making a friend template, if that was what you were talking about. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Thanks for welcoming me. It means me a lot to me! I'm not really surprised no one's welcomed me. Whenever I join a page for place, I don't really get a lot of response. Just look at my Youtube! I've been on for about a month now and I have 10 subscribers.


Can I be your friend? I feel really bad that you don't have any friends...can I add my friend template to your userpage? ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Sure! I'd love to be your friend, and you can add your template to my page. The problem is, I don't have a template of my own...

I can make one for you! I have a few questions...

1. What do you want as a border color?

2. What do you want as a background color?

3. What do you want as the picture for the Friend Template?

4. What do you want the template to say?

I do not mind making it for you. Heck, I'll even code it for you! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

1. I'll take Blue please.

2. I'll take Red please.

3. How about a Careening Dirigibug.

4. Watch Out! BOOM! Pikmin extinction...

Thank you so much for your support to me! You could send the code to me, but you don't have to. Again, thank you!

Your welcome! I know how to code templates, so I might as well do so. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Hey, Alpo! I finished the template. See here. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Goodness, Cheepy, you did all the work for me! At least he has one friend now... Oh, also, Alpo499, when you leave a message on any page where users talk , you need to leave a signature (except pages that have the no-signature policy) so people can identify who left the message. Your signature can be anything you like, as long as there is a link to your userpage and your talk page. Tell me how you want you want your signature to be designed, and I will make it for you. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Oh, Thanks! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Thank you guys SO much! I would be nowhere without you two. My signature can about a picture of Olimar that says Alpo499, which is a link to my User Page, and (Talk to me!) in parenthases, which is a link to my User Talk Page. Thank you both again! By the way, can I add my friend icon to your pages?

Where should the picture of Olimar be? User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

I'd like it in front of the words 'Alpo499' please.

Your welcome! You can put your friend template on my page. Put it in the "Friends" userbox. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Oh, I updated your friend userbox a bit. Now it leads to your userpage, and usertalk page! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Thanks! That's convenient.

Go here or ask here or here for help. User:Peanut64/sig

Ok, Alpo499, I'll create it for you. It'll be done in a minute. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

It is finished: ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!) Well, how do you like it? If you don't know how to code it, simply put {{User:Alpo499/sig}} at the end of each of your messages. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Oh wow! That's awesome! Thank you guys so much for all of your help. I can't thank you enough! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Uh oh PikminFanatic23, we each have a problem. I just got a reminder from Peanut64 that your signature is too big and mine is too tall. Can you please fix mine? - (My Current Signature is Unusable) Alpo499


Information blue.png Hello, Alpo499! This isn't a warning, just a reminder to inform you of a mistake you made, which was using your signature, it doesn't adhere to the Signature Policy. Click here for the details.. If the action continues deliberately, however, then a warning may be issued. Thanks for understanding, and keep contributing.


Thank you for changing your signature. User:Peanut64/sig

Your welcome. I was wondering, on your User Talk page, I asked you for help (and you gave me some, thank you for that) and then Sir Pikmin asked if he could talk to someone. It was in the same Title as mine, and was right after mine. Do you know what I should do? ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

You can return to chat User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Hey... can you come to the chatroom? ~~UglydollPikmin~~

Sure. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)


Does it work?~ P2 Louie happy icon.png UglydollPikmin (Hi!)


I thank you for forgiving me, I hope to see you edit here much more. :) User:Peanut64/sig

Don't worry, I will! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Hey, Alpo, I'm real sorry about what happened last night. I was getting worked up and I was not happy to see such an important figure like Peanut to goof off like that... User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

It's okay, I got worked up too. After you left, I talked with Peanut for a while and he said he was very sorry. I forgave him. Also, for some reason, on his User Page, he has a comment that says: "My name is Tyler, and I will never go to the chatroom again." Maybe it's because we made him feel bad...~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

No, Its not that, Its so I never act that badly again. User:Peanut64/sig

Does it mean you'll ever go onto chat again? ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

I will eventually. User:Peanut64/sig

Wow, thats the VERY FIRST TIME I've seen a Reminder template here! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Figures it's me! :P ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Yes? What is it? User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Well, I looked at the Pikmin RPG community game and saw that only you and Sir Pikmin are working on it. So, I figured, why not help out? I could work on anything you assign to me. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Ok but since you're new here, I would advise that you ask Sir Pikmin first. If you were an older user yes, but for now, go ask him. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

I am sorry, but you are not yet a leaf ranked user. Only leaf-ranked users and above are allowed to edit the community game, for the sole reason that they haven't been in the community long enough. Work on Pikmin:Back in Action some more and in due time you will rank-up and be clear to edit on the community game.Sir Pikmin, Sir Pikmin avatar.jpg Your Bold Pikmin Knight! Contributions

Alright, thanks for letting me know. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Ok then, you are free to edit it now that you have become Leaf ranked. And you can put my friend template of your user page if you want.Sir Pikmin, Sir Pikmin avatar.jpg Your Bold Pikmin Knight! Contributions

Caves vs Dungeons

Alpo, are you sure you know what dungeons are? I saw you signed up for the dungeons section in the RPG jobs... User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Well, what is are the differences between caves and dungeons? ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

The difference is different for every game, ask Sir Pikmin. User:Peanut64/sig

Think above ground caves, some of them are multiple level, while some are only one. They look different from caves in almost every way. That's why they are different jobs.Sir Pikmin, Sir Pikmin avatar.jpg Your Bold Pikmin Knight! Contributions

So, you instead of going through holes to go to sublevels, you go up geysers to levels? ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

No, he means like realistic "Caves" that are catacombs in a rock above ground. User:Peanut64/sig

Hey Alpo, go to the chatroom. I'll be there waiting; I want to talk to you. Don't do it; I'm talking to Peanut and I don't want things to get rough. NOW get on chat. Sorry for the confusion there. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig


Wazzup? ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Nothing Much. I talked with PikminFanatic on the ChatRoom last night. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Cool. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Yeah...It's been kinda slow lately. I did a lot of work on my fanon page yesterday, and am working on the community game. By the way, I am a leaf! Yay! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Great job! And before I know it, you'll be at Flower Rank! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Yeah...I'm sure! It must take a LOOOONG time to get the Master Flower! Heck, I'm still a while away from Bud! But I'll get there. By the way, have you considered working on the Community game? We have, I think, a few spots open. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

I've been thinking about working on a Community Game. I should see what spots I should pick. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

I just signed up for my 4th job, so that leaves two spots open - Lead Sound Designer and Lead Scenery Designer. Since there will be 2 Lead Scenery Designers, I was thinking maybe you and I could do that together! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Nah, I think thats a little too complicated. I just signed up for sprites, anyway. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Alright, that's fine. Anyway, sprites, huh? Believe it or not, I actually make video games and know a lot about spriting and coding, but for some reason, I don't have any sprite sheets for Pikmin! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Say WHAT?! Anyway, I'm tired. Good Night, and DON'T let the Breadbugs bite! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Ok, I'll be there. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

I thought you were going to bed... User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Early bird special!

Good morning! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Goooood morning! We have 13 minutes and 07 seconds before the end of the day! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Lol. Anyway, how'd you sleep last night? ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

I slept well. I was up until 1 talking with PikminFanatic23 ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

I slept great, too. You really stayed up until 1:00 AM? Cool! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

1 is kind of early for me. I actually used to go to bed at around 3 AM and wake up at 12 PM. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Cool. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Lol, my grandma came over for the night. We played Mario Party 8 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii with her! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Awesome. I played Super Mario Galaxy all night! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Cool! #1 or #2? ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

The first one. Sorry I wasn't here. I was at my mom's house for a sleepover. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

I just got your message on Super Mario Wiki! I also found out Peanut's on there, too! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

I saw you there, so I knew I'd stop bye and say hi. I was shocked when I saw Peanut there! I said hi to him. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Peanut basically has the same signature as PikminFanatic does here. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Cheepy-Cheepy, is your username over at the Mario Wiki "Cheep-Cheep"? Just need to know... User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Information blue.png Hello, Alpo499! This isn't a warning, just a reminder to inform you of a mistake you made, which was inserting yourself into Lead Designer positions. We are going to vote on people for that position, please go here to vote. If the action continues deliberately, however, then a warning may be issued. Thanks for understanding, and keep contributing.

Sir Pikmin, Sir Pikmin avatar.jpg Your Bold Pikmin Knight! Contributions

Wanna chat? User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Sure! ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

hi alpo luv PBIA

Uh...who is this? ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

That troublemaker User: . ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy 

Huh. Wonder who he/she/it is. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)

Saying what grade you are in on your user page directly implies how old you are; thus breaking the Privacy Policy. Please remove it. User:Peanut64/sig

Actually, a person may not be allowed to advance to a higher grade, due to the fact that they are not smart enough (or something), but since this does not apply to Alpo, I will have to go with this too. User:PikminFanatic23/Bulborbsig

Hi alpo!!! ~ P2 Louie happy icon.png UglydollPikmin (Hi!)

Uh, hi. ~ P2 Olimar icon.png Alpo499 (talk to me!)