Dewdrop Wraith

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 23:37, 16 October 2022 by Glubbfubb (talk | contribs)
Dewdrop Wraith
Family Shellter

The Dewdrop Wraith is a species of shellter that hides in bubbles made out of various fluids.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Dewdrop Wraith.

In Pikmin Rebirth

Pikmin Rebirth icon.png
"A new world, a new time, a new adventure."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Rebirth, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Rebirth icon.png
Dewdrop Wraith
Scientific name Tumidoculum spherium
Family Shellter
Habitats Caves
Diet Insects
Rarity Rare
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 12
Seed worth 8
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 15
Attacks Eates Pikmin, uses either water, poison, acid, or ice
Weaknesses Electricity icon.png

The Dewdrop Wraith is a species of shellter appearing in Pikmin Rebirth as a boss. It is one of the smaller members of this family of crustaceans, having a purple shrimp-like body with a forked tail. What it lacks in size it surely makes up for in abilities. Using its forked tail it can scoop up surrounding fluids allowing itself to encase itself inside a giant bubble, it then tries to jump into its prey to drown them and then eat them. The properties of the bubble change based on what fluid it uses: it most commonly encases itself in water where it can create small drops of the fluid every time it jumps, it can also encase itself in poisonous water to leave behind a toxic residue wherever it last jumped, encase itself in acid to do short but quick jumps, or encase itself in icy water to perform long but slow jumps. Regardless of abilities, there are two ways to pop the bubble it hides itself in, either lead it to collide with a sharp edge puncturing the bubble into its base fluid state or use electricity to cause the bubble to evaporate instantly should the Dewdrop Wraith collide with it. After the bubble pop the Dewdrop Wraith is defenseless as all it can do is run away before trying to find a new body of fluid to make a new bubble. When defeated it will drop a relic themed around water worth a high amount of Sparklium.

In Ultra-Spicy Mode the Dewdrop Wraith always attacks in pairs, they can either attack separately or combine to form a single massive bubble to attack the player with.


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The other wraith of water Kill a Dewdrop Wraith
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Thicker than water Kill a Dewdrop Wraith without losing any Pikmin
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Drowning in sorrows Have a Dewdrop Wraith drown any enemy


Magdalene's journal

Being intimate here, I was a very awkward girl growing up, I never had many freinds and was often bullied. I could see myself encasing inside my own bubble to feel safe, I think I can imagine that this create does the same thing, its afraid, almost makes me feel bad for it.

Azure's salvage logs

For those unaware, the tail can repel fluids, so its the reverse of a magnet. One can only imagine the practical applications this product may bring, because I have none.

Lenin's cooking tips

The special fluids in this crustacean make the creature too stiff to boil or steam, so I can't recommend cooking it, inedible

Ivy's biology logs

This member of the Shellter family is quite bizarre from an evolutionist perspective, its anatomy denotes that its a terrestrial animal but its behavor denots it as aquatic, a truly bizarre mishmash. A examination of its blood reveal that it releases a special compound that repels any fluid, allowing the Dewdrop Wraith to form an air bubble around itself when swimming, additionally it can control this fluid to make the water surrounding it more viscous thus making predators unable to pierce its den. It uses this as an offensive measure as it hunt in coastlines, waiting for a terrestrial animal to cross its territory, before it tosses the mass of fluid it has collected to drown the animal before consumption..

Indy's strategy guide

Some troops are too cowardly to fight head on so they hide behind obstacles in an attempt to impede the enemy, but every defense has a hole and if abbused the façade falls and all you are left with is a coward who is ripe for the picking.