Earthfin Dolfsheep

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 15:50, 24 November 2021 by Zoadra (talk | contribs)


Earthfin Dolfsheep The icon used to represent this .
PEoE Earthfin Dolfsheep.png
Scientific name Terridon Delvato
Family Islafin
Weight 6
Max. carriers 12
Seed worth 6
Attacks Eats Pikmin, Confuses Captains
Note: all or most of this information may be fanon information.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cannicus
Class Hybridia
Family Islafin
Genus Terridon
Species Delvato

The Earthfin Dolfsheep is an early enemy encountered in Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity, found in Placid Plains. It appears to be a green and blue wooly dolphin with hind legs like those of a sheep, and rocky spots on its back.


It eats Pikmin and confuses Captains, but when it is in the presence of a Herding Aquanine they run away from Pikmin. It also has a very short range detection, so it is best to sneak up from behind and overwhelm it before it can confuse the captains. When it does confuse the captains, it can only do so with one at a time. The confused captain will take control of up to 1/4 the Pikmin squad and use them to attack the active captains. The best approach when it happens is to whistle the confused captain's Pikmin back, although the captain will then whistle a new section of Pikmin to attack. Keep this dance up for five seconds while maneuvering the Pikmin away from the Earthfin Dolfsheep, and then the captain will no longer be confused. When the confusion wears off, the enemy will be exhausted and paralyzed for three seconds, usually enough to go in for the kill. Alternatively, throwing Purple Pikmin at its rocky spots will cause them to break open and a weak spot to be revealed.


Encyclopaedia animerros

"Terridon Delvato, kingdom Animalia, phylum cannicus, class hybridia, family Islafin. This bipedal hybridia is an omnivorous heterotroph, eating a diet of mostly Maggrubs and Pikmin. This species communicates using autonomous echolocation, a trait that can be used to confuse Hocotatians. This species seems to be docile when in the presence of Herding Aquanine."

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