
From Pikmin Fanon
This is one of Zoadra's user-related pages.
You might be looking for my user page, my talk page, my website, my contributions, my sandbox, my active fangame, my shelved fangame, my image archive, or my fanfics.

This user is a bureaucrat and administrator on this wiki. In addition to the powers of an administrator, this user can also promote other administrators and/or users to be administrators and/or bureaucrats.
I'm Zoadra, I was an early supporter of this wiki, and I founded Fanon Wiki!
I also created Encyclopedia Arabica, the Miraheze-hosted Coffee Wiki!

I have 100% beaten Pikmin 1 NPC, Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 3. When I was young, I got to 250+ days on my original Pikmin 2 save file! I spent most of the time growing my Pikmin population and messing around, looking for glitches.

About me: I live in North America. I love specialty coffee. My favorite video game is Pikmin 2. My favorite band is King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. My favorite movie is Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. My favorite car is the Dodge Challenger.

My Info

Profile Picture



Name Tyler
Username Zoadra
Rank All Ranks
Merit Bureaucrat, Admin
Born December 30


Nintendo Switch Friend Code SW-6760-3137-8126
PSN ID jellyman6464
Discord .zoadra._39966
Skype Jellyman64
Left Boxes
Star Wars.png
Yummy, a hamburger!!!
Fishing For Fishies.jpg
P3 Red Bulborb.png

My Status Reel · Post

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

I have been getting into the groove of editing. At least, some of the administrative stuff. I basically have to relearn a whole lot of things in order to succeed. But it's going better so far. I decided Pikmin 4.5 was too simplistic and Pikmin Quest is more my jam... so expect me to update that soon. Lastly I am also getting into editing Fanon Wiki, so if you read this, be sure to hop on over. I have plans to document Skyrim mods on there.

Ciao! ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

I've had a big mental block regarding Pikmin. I wanted to like Pikmin 4, but I found that it was not as fun as I had hoped. Then, I realized something. This is the perfect opportunity to make a better Pikmin game. Fanon-style. So... I won't be actually making it in a game engine and coding it... But I'll do the classic thing and make fanon. I have Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity, and I want to keep that, as it serves as a window to the past, connecting it with the future. I also think that Pikmin Quest was poorly timed. So I will be abandoning it. But I aim to make something new... Something that really requires me to think outside the box. I will be in the planning phases as I edit, so stay tuned. Also, I don't really have all the time in the world to focus on this, as I have school, and Starfield... Haha. I have been enjoying the heck out of that game. But, it's unfortunate that I didn't connect with 4, as I think it is a great game, it's just that I felt like it was a bit hand-holdy with the aim assist. One day, I'll beat Pikmin 4. I got to the area that was inside the house, and that's as far as I will get for now. I am currently playing other things... Starfield, Elden Ring with the Co-op mod, and Pokémon Modern Emerald rom hack, all have been taking up my time. Plus I was streaming Wind Waker with some mods recently. I want to commit more time to PF, but I won't make any promises. But at least I'm partially involved with the community. I hated retirement. Anyways, take care, y'all. ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Sunday, June 11th, 2023

Yeah.... So, I tried the whole retirement thing, but I simply cannot fill the void that this community left in my life with anything else. I realize now that my issues with the site were steeped in a waning passion. Well, I blame mental health struggles for that waning passion. Because I realized that Pikmin is a big deal to me, and this community is a big deal to me. In the week or so that I've been feeling good and having energy and motivation, I've realized that I can't just allow my issues to keep me from doing the things that I want to do. I will not make any promises, but as long as I am able, I want to get more involved in the community. This means I'll have to step it up, and step it up I will attempt to do. Because even if my record in recent times isn't perfect, I still care deeply for this community, and I think that my historical record was good at the beginning in 2011. But most importantly, most users come and go, and aren't daily contributors. It takes a special kind of person to dedicate time daily to a site that exists in a niche. Even if I am not that person, I can try. Most editors of this site pay no mind to their record, and reliability, anyways. I have a history of being self-analytical and self-criticizing. But as much as I want to not include these weaknesses in a public forum, I think it actually is a triumph of pushing for better, more healthy social norms that a member of staff be so frank about their issues. Even people with power have vulnerabilities too. I just want to thank all of you that have been active on this wiki for years. I hope that we grow as Pikmin 4 brings in new traffic, and we thrive for years to come!

That being said, I just want to say, I have a video project in the works, focusing on Pikmin 1. You've been warned! ~~ ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Honestly, it's time to let go. This place had been my passion for a long time, and in the past couple of years I tried to revive that passion, and via creating Fanon Wiki, but honestly I don't have the energy to keep it up. And this is also about the passion. I simply no longer am passionate about fanon. I consider that era of my life to be over. As an author, I am grateful to my days on this site, and pushing the limits of fanon to make my own universe, but my time would be better spent on original content. I need to eat too, y'all. It's with a heavy heart that I declare you can mark me as 'inactive' on the administrators list. It's time I moved forward, instead of letting nostalgia hold me back. I will retain my status as admin and bureaucrat, but I am entering a quasi-retirement. I will still be on the Fanon Wiki discord, I will be happy to chat, but as of now, I will no longer be active in either Fanon Wiki or Pikmin Fanon. It's been great, and what a journey it has been. It makes me happy to know that even if it's not much, Pikmin Fanon is still getting love. I hope and pray that it prospers in the future, and people can figure out what to do with Fanon Wiki. Nothing is forever. But I will always look back fondly of this community. This retirement is a long time coming. I wanted to save my dying interest and passion for fanon, but it's best that I move on.

Thanks for over a decade of enjoyment and adventures in PNF-404 and beyond. ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Friday, December 30th, 2022

Today is my birthday. I try not to make a big deal out of it, simply because I don't really see the value in hogging all the attention. Anyways, I wanted to address a pattern in my behavior. I seem to keep having these bursts of energy and motivation where I make plans to come back to Pikmin Fanon/Fanon Wiki, and then my energy peters out and I hardly edit at all. So from now on I will be honest, my time on here will be sporadic. I may make a bunch of edits out of nowhere, and then I may be gone for a while. All a part of my behavior patterns. I wish I could say I have enough energy to edit daily, but I barely have enough energy to even play video games daily like I used to. So I will just forge ahead as per usual, and try not to make empty promises anymore. Sorry y'all.

Ciao~ ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Sunday, December 4th, 2022

Well, I had some things going on the past few weeks, my best friend got married, and friends and family flew in from various parts of the US, and some of them stayed for a while, and I got to see a friend whom lives far away, long story short, I was constantly either spending time with friends and family, or travelling. So now that I'm back, I wanted to commit something to writing. I did a poll on the discord server about which of my Fanon games people would rather me work on, Echoes of Eternity, or Pikmin Quest, and EoE won by a landslide. With that being said, I will focus my time on Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity. I am excited that people are interested in my work, and I think maybe starting fresh with Pikmin Quest would be throwing out too good of a legacy of content to work with. The sky's the limit with the Wraith Omniverse.

Happy holidays~ ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Saturday, November 19th, 2022

It feels like I am always coming back from a hiatus, only to go on another one... Well, I intend to stop that. I actually have more time now, as there is a gap in my schedule until January. Whatever the case may be, I fully intend to make the most of my time here until I get more busy. With that being said, I intend to have a two-pronged approach to Pikmin Fanon.

  • 1) I will work on my fanon content
  • 2) I will help with cleanup of the site

This is my plan moving forward. I will also be doing the same on Fanon Wiki, just a bit differently, as there's less to clean up and more to set up. I'll be honest, I won't be productive every single day, as I do struggle with mental illness and ADHD. But I'll try my damnedest. Before I had this notion that if I didn't have maximum efficiency and insane workload, that I couldn't do anything at all. Such is the precarious nature of all or nothing thinking. But I'm making an effort to live in shades of grey, baby!

Toodooloo! ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

Hello you lovely folks, I'm back after a long hiatus. I finally have some new ideas for a Pikmin fanon game, but I don't think they align with Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity or the Doom Saga. That's why I have decided to put the Doom Saga on hold. I fear it has gotten too "extra" to the point that it doesn't resemble the canon games much. I want to return to Pikmin 1, 2, and 3's roots. And that's why I am starting Pikmin Quest! Stay tuned for updates on the game.

Happy hunting! ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Thursday, December 9th, 2021

Just a quick update: I am entering a busy period IRL, so I will be taking a hiatus from Pikmin Fanon. I shall return! If anyone needs me, I will check my email in case someone edits my talk page.

Ciao! ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Greetings! I am still alive! I have been busy with school for the past two months, but I am still keeping an eye on Pikmin Fanon. The Nintendo Fanon Network has stalled as we are waiting for Grifkuba, the domain owner, to fit it in to the schedule. I have been thinking about my game, Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity, and came up with an idea or two while I was away. I have a Google docs folder all about the game, and I intend to resume working hard to flesh out the story and gameplay. My goal is to have a walkthrough style section for each area, enemy, and boss. This is a huge project, so I will not be able to do it all in one big rush. I will be breaking it down into chunks and chipping away at it all while I balance school and life. But I've been inspired to continue because I noticed a lull in the site's activity. I want to help bring back activity to this great place, and I think that working on my fan game will help do that. I do think once Nintendo Fanon becomes a reality, there will be more interest in Pikmin Fanon. It's just a matter of patience.

Catch ya on the flip side! ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Monday, Aug 23, 2021

Hello, Pikminfanonites! I've been away, busy with life stuff, and having started the Nintendo Fanon Network idea. It is a proposed wiki network with Nintendo Fanon of all kinds, save for Pikmin, of course. This project would include Pikmin Fanon as a part of the network. This would simply transfer Pikmin Fanon to a subdomain of the Nintendo Fanon Network. This project is still in the planning phases and lately I have been unable to contribute, but it is very close to moving on to the implementation phase. I'll definitely update you all on the status of the project as it moves ahead. Now for some words on my activity on Pikmin Fanon - I am starting a new semester at college so I will have much less time to contribute, but I will be making the attempt. My fan game is a low priority right now, but at some point I'll get on it. I'm glad to see a bit more activity these days. I will do my best to be a part of that in the months ahead.

Sayonara! ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Monday, July 12, 2021

I have been working on the plot to my fanon game offline, so worry not, it's still in the works! I will post regular updates when I feel it has reached an optimum level of quality. I have also decided to help a little with some of the tasks of Project Cleanup. I'll have plenty of free time the next week so I will be plugging away. It really seems like Pikmin Fanon is at a low level of user interaction. I worry for the fate of the wiki, considering how it was almost shut down before. I hope I can advertise this place enough to get more people interested, but as it is, Pikmin Fanon is a niche thing. Not everyone wants to write what is essentially video game fan fiction, and especially not in a wiki format. This place has always been tons of fun for me and for plenty of others, but most come and go, never to return. I've been trying to engage users on the Pikmin Discord channel to post on Pikmin Fanon, and I'll be trying to highlight it on Reddit. But at the end of the day, people will come if they want to. And another canonical Pikmin entry is one of the best ways to receive a sustained traffic. Supposedly a game is in the works, but they have been talking about it for a long time now. That Pikmin mobile game is also supposed to come out some time, although I doubt that one will inspire too much fanon. Oh well. I'm gonna continue to work on my fanon game and try to do my best as one of the longest-running users/admins/bureaucrats on the site.

Hasta la vista, baby~ ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Friday, July 2, 2021

Hello! Since I have been on the wiki now for a week and a half, I wanted to make an update. I started a new fanon game, Pikmin: Echoes of Eternity! It is a sequel to Pikmin: Ultimate Doom, and the latest entry in the Doom Saga. I am excited to continually work on it, and hopefully bring the quality of my now 8 more years of experience! I also have been producing music ever since I left Pikmin Fanon in around 2016. Here's a link to my bandcamp where you can listen to my stuff for free. Zoadra is my artist name, and I would really appreciate it if you would check it out! I have some musical projects in mind for my new fan game, so stay tuned for that! Well, that's about all I have. I am still very glad to be back.

See you space cowboy~ ZoadraZoadra icon.pngAdmin, Bureaucrat

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hey all you Pikmin Fanon users out there! It's Wraith here to report on some of my activities. As you all probably know, I have been away, not editing Pikmin Fanon often. I plan to return soon! I have a new concept for a Pikmin fanon game in the works! This one will be focused on nature and survival, and have a goal of exploration instead of collection. This is something I am developing off-line, and will release in its entirety when it is completed! Fear not, I have not forgotten ye of so many faith! I shall continue to update featured content and patrol for spam. This is something I have not been doing for years, but as I matured I realized that this is a community I owe too much to. I cannot ignore those who have allowed this community to flourish! Expect me to be editing more in the coming months. And if I fail to deliver, e-mail me at !! Make sure you put the title as "Pikmin Fanon" so I will notice it in my overflowing inbox! And so, I also must inform you users that I am making music! I have four singles up on SoundCloud Here!! I will be releasing an album sometime this year while I get my copyright and mastering straight. I hope you enjoy this little preview of my new album, Idle Activities! 2016 shall be an exciting year for Pikmin Fanon, with Pikmin 4 being hinted and de-facto confirmed. I hope everyone has fun, and as always, happy contributing everyone! :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 · 8:35 PM

I am glad to announce that Pikmin: Ultimate Doom has reached a story completion! After a long hiatus of secretly developing the game's story line, I have returned with the story in its entirety. I hope that the story is as grand as I had hyped it up to be, and I hope that the game was as good. Also, this doesn't mean I won't still make more content. The gameplay parts are incomplete at best. I will continually update those parts as time goes on. I am also excited about Pikmin 3's release in ten days! I made it a point to finish my game's story before the release of Pikmin 3, and I did! So if you have any comments on my game or for me, just message me.

Saturday, November 24 · 4:45 PM

I have been away busily developing a free first-person shooter game for Windows and Mac, and I have one of the first betas! It is called Imagination, and currently only has one game mode: "Nightmare". I have given it a self-rating of T for Teen, for Scary Images, Animated Blood, and Violence. I find it very fun to play even though I know all of its secrets. I have put some time into this game so if you enjoy first-person shooters with zombies and spiders, this is the game for you!


Other info: click the top button on the game's pause menu to play once you start the game.

Monday, September 3 · 9:45 PM

Pikmin: Guardians of Mist Update! Version Alpha 1.1


Character Creation

Class System

New Locations

Republic Legion Camp

Note: Hey guys, I'll try to get this update sealed ASAP! But I am currently going to school, so this is amongst the lowest of priorities. Nonetheless, I'll get this thing done real soon, so that players can begin signing up.

Wednesday, July 4 · 11:40 AM

For all those American users, happy Fourth of July! I'm not even sure if we have other users than ones from 'merica.. Anyways, I will be gone briefly on July 11 for a surgery. I will be back. So please don't leave this place in chaos. Kay? Alright.

Wednesday, June 20 · 1:01 PM

Since I bought a capture card for christmas last year, I haven't done much with it. But that's alright because I am going to do a Pikmin 2 NPC Playthrough, starting on Day 2. I am going to commentate the Playthrough, so it is a chance to hear my voice at its finest. If you are interested in watching, please visit my youtube channel.

Sunday, April 15 · 3:30 PM

I was thinking about our vanilla Pikmin Fanon users, such as Pikminfanatic and the newly active Volatile Dweevil, and thought of the author of a particularly awesome game, and I made a quick tribute to him.

Portal-Kombat Tribute.png
To Portal-Kombat for being an active user of Pikmin Fanon since the very beginning, until recently when his activity dropped.

Wednesday, April 11 · 4:50 PM

Hello once again, fellow editors. I have to apologize for being absent for the longest while, as I have a personal life to attend to. If anyone is confused, or just wants to talk, shoot me an e-mail.

Saturday, March 10 · 3:50 PM

As Guardians of Mist is put on hold, I am trying to take down that massive wall of homework that comes with attending a Private School. But nontheless I will be back will new updates on PUD relevant to that certain one-hit-wonder magazine.

Saturday, February 18 · 11:50 AM

I am beginning to build up a game here! It's to be called Pikmin: Guardians of Mist, and is a text-based RPG with many things to do and experience! I will give updates to when it will be getting closer to launch.

Wednesday, February 1 · 7:29 PM

So it seems in my efforts to make a comments template system I have reached a stalemate. So I will rethink my ways and try again! I am also still planning on implementing this style of userpage into everyone's default user page.

Wednesday, January 25 · 2:15 PM

I am back from Nicaragua!! It was an amazing experience and I will most likely go to there or any other country for a mission trip. Cheers!

Saturday, January 14 · 11:17 AM

Morning, guys. So since the last post I managed to make my userpage like some social network's profile. It's okay, since I wanted that, and besides, the status reel is an original idea. Now I will continue to try for a comments system.

Saturday, January 14 · 12:05 AM

Sorry for the chain posts, but I was trying to pull together a comments system as well, so you guys can comment on my statuses. I am at an impasse for now, as it is 12 am. So maybe some sleep will help me figure out the right method.

Friday, January 13 · 11:37 PM

I am now checking to see how well it looks together, so far so good! I hope to soon simplify this system into a template for all users to easily use and enjoy.

Friday, January 13 · 11:36 PM

Hello people! This is my first post in my new Status Reel! This is a great new system I devised to help you guys keep in track with me, and it's even better because it's right in the middle of my userpage! The reason this is called the status reel is because it has the shape of an old movie reel, and It has statuses on it. So a heads up: I am going to be gone starting January 19, as I am going on a mission trip to Nicaragua. I will be back January 24 and eager to fill you guys in, utilizing my new status reel.

Right Boxes
Windows XP logo.jpg
Nintendo logo.png
Lustrous Element thumb.jpg
All Ranks rank.png
Implement of Toil thumb.jpg
Unspeakable Wonder thumb.jpg
Volatile Dweevil user image.png
Pikness34 sprite.gif
Zero Two Avatar.gif
Pikpik carrots.png
PCotW Cyan Pikmin.png
Rocky Dirigibug.jpg
MintyMoron64 icon.png
Cheepy-Cheepy icon.png
Pikmin Wide World icon.png
EarthBound Giygas.png
Great Tingle.png
The Office logo.png

My Guestbook

Sign your signature below if you are awesome like me!