American Pikmin

From Pikmin Fanon
American Pikmin
Family Pikmin

The American Pikmin is a species of patriotic Pikmin colored red, white, and blue.

User versions

Below this point is where users place their version of the American Pikmin.

PikminKartSuperCircuit's version

See: User:PikminKartSuperCircuit
American Pikmin The icon used to represent this Pikmin.
American Pikmin.png
Scientific name Pikminade america
Resistance Fire icon.png Water icon.png Bubble icon.png
Attack 1.75
Mobility 0.75
Throw 1
Digging speed 1.75
Carrying capacity 1
Candypop N/A
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. – American Pikmin

The American Pikmin is a species of Pikmin that only appears if the time is set to July 4th of any year in the mainline Pikmin series. It can also be created by following the recipe in Infinite Craft.

First block + Second block = Result
Fire + Wind = Smoke
Water + Fire = Steam
Earth + Wind = Dust
Dust + Earth = Planet
Water + Smoke = Fog
Planet + Fog = Venus
Venus + Steam = Life
Life + Dust = Human
Human + Human = Family
Family + Smoke = Barbecue
Earth + Earth = Mountain
Mountain + Water = Lake
Lake + Water = Ocean
Ocean + Mountain = Island
Island + Earth = Continent
Continent + Mountain = Asia
Asia + Island = Japan
Earth + Water = Plant
Plant + Plant = Tree
Tree + Tree = Forest
Steam + Water = Cloud
Cloud + Forest = Rain
Rain + Forest = Rainforest
Rainforest + Plant = Oxygen
Oxygen + Water = Hydrogen
Fire + Earth = Lava
Lava + Water = Stone
Stone + Stone = Boulder
Stone + Boulder = Rock
Rock + Oxygen = Metal
Metal + Oxygen = Rust
Rust + Rust = Iron
Iron + Iron = Steel
Steel + Tree = Axe
Axe + Tree = Wood
Wood + Tree = Paper
Paper + Paper = Book
Book + Book = Bookshelf
Bookshelf + Bookshelf = Library
Book + Hydrogen = H2O
H2O + Library = Knowledge
Knowledge + Science = Science
Science + Science = Technology
Technology + Technology = Computer
Plant + Wind = Dandelion
Dandelion + Water = Wine
Wine + Island = Party
Party + Barbecue = Fun
Fun + Computer = Game
Game + Japan = Nintendo
Game + Venus = Video Game
Nintendo + Fun = Wii
Wii + Nintendo = Wii U
Wii U + Video Game = Wii U Game
Wii U Game + Plant = Pikmin 3
Pikmin 3 + Plant = Pikmin
Red, white, and blue
Earth + Water = Plant
Plant + Plant = Tree
Earth + Wind = Dust
Dust + Fire = Ash
Ash + Tree = Pencil
Ash + Pencil = Crayon
Crayon + Water = Color
Water + Water = Lake
Fire + Fire = Volcano
Lake + Volcano = Island
Water + Island = Ship
Earth + Island = Continent
Lake + Ship = Pirate
Lake + Continent = America
Pirate + America = Captain America
Color + Captain America = Red, White, and Blue
American Pikmin
Pikmin + Red, White, and Blue = American Pikmin