
From Pikmin Fanon
Family Pikmin

Booga is a massive Purple Pikmin. He speaks disjointedly and enjoys digging for treasure.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of Booga.

In Pikmin: Last Dawn

Pikmin: Last Dawn
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Last Dawn, a fanon game created by Faith.
Name Booga
Status Alive
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Eye color Black
Hair color Deep violet
Home planet PNF-404
Known related characters Joe (friend), Carol (enemy)
Height 14 Purple Pikmin

Booga is a minor character in Pikmin: Last Dawn that hides out in a small pipe behind the Structure of Life. He is a massive Purple Pikmin. If Purple Pikmin are brought to him, he will give the player an amount of rations equal to that of the Purple Pikmin they brought. These Purple Pikmin will begin dancing and digging away with him. They will disappear the next day. The sounds of Purple Pikmin digging can be heard when nearby, and will not stop when the player talks to Booga. Booga will eventually request 15 raw material, then 35, and finally 65. Each time raw material is delivered, he will pull out a small treasure. These treasures are a Golden Sunseed Berry, Golden Grenade, and finally a Golden Sniffer. Pikmin will not attack Booga even if they are charged at him. If a Pikmin is thrown at him, he will catch it and put it back on the ground, or block it with his arm if his hands are already full of thrown Pikmin.

These are responses Booga has in various interactions with him.
  • Oi, it new wanderer? You not bad, I hope. – Booga, upon meeting the player for the first time.
  • Hi. Mind doing me something? – Booga, upon meeting the player with treasure to give.
  • Hi, buddy. Thanks for material. I get treasure now. – Booga, upon meeting the player with no treasure to give.
  • Thank. Have gift. – Booga after receiving raw material.
  • I need tool. Tool need material. Get material? Hm... 15? – Booga, requesting 15 raw material.
  • Huph, more worker need more tool. More tool need material. Get material? Hm... 35? – Booga, requesting 35 raw material.
  • More worker demand better tool. Upgrade need more material. Get material? Hope not a lot... 65? – Booga, requesting 65 raw material.
  • Has wanderer met Joe? Joe's buddy. He good talk to. – Chat (1/5)
  • Hate that old lady in house. She try to kill Booga. Just wanted if had treasure in big cylinder. What her problem? – Chat (2/5)
  • All Joe talk about food. Why can't talk about other? – Chat (3/5)
  • I has workers. Workers help find treasure. No luck yet. – Chat (4/5)
  • I hungry now. I tired. Wonder when nectar find? – Chat (5/5)