Forum:Pikmin Types; can I create a section for Fanfictions?

From Pikmin Fanon
Forums: Index > Ask Louie > Pikmin Types; can I create a section for Fanfictions?

Heyo I'm working on the page Pikmin 79 which features some new types, some of which already existing on the fanon wiki. I saw that on each types' page, they have a section for how they appear in each fanon game, but I never saw any for fanfictions. I was wondering how I would add the version from Pikmin 79, either under "in fanon game" "in fanfiction" or "user's version?" I don't believe it would be a "user version" as these types aren't tied to one person.

Of course. Fanfiction sections are rarely used though. The Emperor Bulblax page is one such page. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy  13:10, 6 July 2024 (UTC)