Red Forowler

From Pikmin Fanon
Red Forowler
Family Flewa

The Red Forowler is a species of flewa that has red leaves.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Red Forowler.

In Pikmin: The Continents

Pikmin: The Continents
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Continents, a fanon game created by Akidthatisnew.
Red Forowler The icon used to represent this plant.
Red Forowler.png
Scientific name Redus flowforusis
Family Flewa
Areas Roniak

The Red Forowler is a red-leafed relative of the Forowler appearing in Pikmin: The Continents. Adapted only to jungles, Red Forowlers are, much like the forest-native Forowlers, harvested by Kaboolas to be turned into medicine or tribal paint, although since Kaboolas must travel from their forest territory, red tribal paint is a rare commodity. They are also fed on by pollinators such as Jungle Pikmin and Jungle Plliflies.