Cone Wraith

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Cone Wraith
Family Shellter

The Cone Wraith is a species of shellter with a poisonous, harpoon-like proboscis.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Cone Wraith.

In Pikmin Rebirth

Pikmin Rebirth icon.png
"A new world, a new time, a new adventure."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Rebirth, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Rebirth icon.png
Cone Wraith
Scientific name Tumidoculum conidae
Family Shellter
Habitats Coastlines
Diet Fish
Rarity Common
Carry weight 15
Max. carriers 25
Seed worth 7
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 7
Attacks Sprays poison, skewers Pikmin
Weaknesses Explosion icon.png

The Cone Wraith is a species of shellter appearing in Pikmin Rebirth. It is differentiated by its more common relative, the Crammed Wraith, by having a more vividly colored shell consisting of shades of oranges and bright blues, and a thin proboscis for a mouth. This shellter hides among the coastline by disguising itself as an Alimona, a rare and valuable creature, to hunt for anything that disturbs them. While the shells of the two appear similar, the Alimona's has more earthy tones compared to the Cone Wraith's more vivid shell. When disturbed, the Cone Wraith sprays a purple bubbly mist that drenches Pikmin in poison. In the ensuing chaos, the Cone Wraith then uses its proboscis to ingest the poisoned victims, rendering White Pikmin not entirely effective. To defeat it effectively, scare it out of hiding by using a loud noise such as an explosion; this is in contrast to the Alimona, which hides when it hears loud sounds, displaying another contrast with both mollusks. Like all members of the shellter family, the shell of the Cone Wraith will tip over when the creature is defeated, requiring Pikmin to haul the heavy shell alongside the carcass.


Magdalene's journal

You know, common sense would tell you that the brighter coloration means it is more valuable, but tell me this after you had been sprayed by this nuisance. Ivy didn't seem to mind though, she seems to find it quite fun, though I am with the Pikmin on this one that this is something to watch out for.

Azure's salvage logs

The vivid shell hides a surpassingly durable den. By furbishing the shell with furniture, you can create a fashionable but functional house.

Lenin's cooking tips

  • Calories per serving: 100
  • Serving size: 7-inch bowl
  • Preparation time: 12 hours

One must purge the creature of poisons to make it edible; this can be done by boiling the skin until it turns a pale pink. Add your choice of sauce, tomato sauce is my preferred choice, then boil for three hours. Mix the results with caramelized onions for a seafood surprise.

Ivy's biology logs

As Maggy has previously mentioned, this mollusk creates a vivid shell to hide in. To a trained eye, this could make it easily identifiable, but to a simple animal, it makes it easy prey for this stealthy hunter. While the Alimona uses the surrounding minerals to filter out algae, the Cone Wraith uses said minerals to dilute a poisonous substance by mixing it with its stomach acids. For a while, it was believed that the two were related but recent studies have found that the Alimona is part of a distinct family.

Indy's strategy guide

A perfect coverup, tricking those gullible with a shiny prize only to give a surprise of the poisonous variety. While it is frustrating to be tricked by such a strategy, I almost have come to respect it.