Mossy Bulbear

From Pikmin Fanon
Mossy Bulbear
Family Grub-dog

The Mossy Bulbear is a mature grub-dog that has moss covering its backside.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Mossy Bulbear.

In Pikmin: The Return of the Puffmin

Pikmin: The Return of the Puffmin
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Return of the Puffmin, a fanon game created by ThePikminMeister.
Mossy Bulbear The icon used to represent this enemy.
Mossy Bulbear.jpg
Scientific name Mossus bulbarba
Family Grub-dog
Areas Tree Hollow
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Mossy Bulbear is a bulbear in Pikmin: The Return of the Puffmin that has moss coating its backside. Pikmin occasionally become stuck to the moss when thrown onto it. Its dwarf counterpart is the Dwarf Mossy Bulbear.


Olimar's notes

It appears that, sometimes, when I throw a Pikmin onto this creature's back, it can get stuck. Maybe the eyes are the weak spot!

In Pikmin: Wild Nature

Pikmin: Wild Nature
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wild Nature, a fanon game created by BlueMike(pvzguyalt).
Mossy Bulbear The icon used to represent this enemy.
PWN Mossy Bulbear.png
Scientific name Unknown
Family Grub-dog
Areas Lakey Swamp
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Mossy Bulbear appears in Pikmin: Wild Nature. It appears only in Lakey Swamp, hiding in wet bushes to jump out and ambush Pikmin that pass by.


Olimar's notes

This grub-dog's back seems to be made out of this wet plant substance. When I touch it, the plant swings for a while. I'm still trying to research what this wet substance is.

Louie's notes

The front is edible and tasty, but the back tastes like dirt and is wet.