User:A Friendly Amprat/PASchars/User:Scoria/Scoria's notes

From Pikmin Fanon
HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Yeah, still cooler than YOU ARE!"
TALK – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Hey you! Yeah, you! The person reading this page! Tell Amprat to GET BACK TO WORK ON ANTARCTIC SURVIVAL! He's not working on my game anymore! I want him to make more game pages! Like for Kenna, she seems way less stupid than most of the people in the Diamond Settlement, and she should team up with me since we're both strong and tough fire creatures! But she won't be my friend anyway, but NOT THAT I CARE anyway!! Because I don't! That's just stupid! But maybe she'd stop being REALLY STUPID if she had a page on Pikmin Fanon, so Amprat should create one NOW!! Also, TELL HIM TO STOP CALLING ME A "GRUMPY BABY"!! I'm not a "grumpy baby!" I'm nine years old! That's not a baby! Amprat is a grumpy baby, not me! He's probably like five! And that's why he isn't making more pages for Antarctic Survival, because he's a stupid baby! He's just working on his other game too, which is called like "Pikmin Eye-Eye-Eye" or something dumb like that! Why would someone make a game called that!? Like most creatures only have two eyes or maybe one! No one has three eyes! That would be stupid! Like Amprat not working on Antarctic Survival, because he's lazy and a stupid baby! Like Yuki, all "waah waah look at me being all nice to everyone because everyone is nice to ME!" She's so annoying! Right? You agree, right? Wait, what was I talking about again? Ugh, it doesn't even matter, forget- Oh, wait, I remember! Amprat working on his game! Tell Amprat to stop working on Pikmin 3 because that game is ALREADY OUT and it's BEEN out for like ten years already, and how is Amprat too dumb and stupid baby to realize that? And he should work on Antarctic Survival, which is a WAY better game because I'M in it and I'm super strong and awesome!! His other game is booring, and I don't care and nobody cares either! Yeah! So go tell Amprat to WORK ON MY GAME AGAIN! Spam his talk page until he responds and finishes my game! Or else you're stupid too, and you should just go leave and live in a tree or something!
HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "I'm the MOST POWERFUL CREATURE IN THE ANTARCTIC, and don't you forget it!"
TALK – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Okay, I just checked on my page, and ONE of you dum-dums added MY MESSAGES to a bunch of random categories!! You better remove those RIGHT NOW, because I am NOT annoying!! Also, I am NOT A DANDELION!!!!!! Why would I be a dandelion? Dandelions are dumb! They just stand there and spray their little flying seeds everywhere! Completely useless! And stupid! And they're PLANTS! I'm not a plant??? Pikmin are, but I'M not a plant! I'm way stronger than a stupid Pikmin... So you BETTER remove me from the dandelion category RIGHT NOW, or ELSE I'M TELLING CHEEPY-CHEEPY ON YOU!!! ... Also, the only category I belong in is BEST CHARACTER IN ANTARCTIC SURVIVAL, because that's what I am!!! So put me in THAT category! NOT ANNOYING! The only one who is annoying is whoever put me in these categories, because, it takes one to know one! And you know one, but you don't know anything else... Because you're a big dummy! HA!

Don't worry, I removed it all ~ P5MV Red Pikmin leaf.pngI’m RedPikmin95, and I'm always out on the racetrack!!

Hahaha. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy  12:52, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Parents are dumb, who needs 'em??"
TALK – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
You better remove it all! That's no way to treat the tyrant of the Antarctic! Hmm, maybe you can be one of my loyal peasants in my growing empire! I'm making the Scoria Settlement, and I'm gonna rule the world! ... Well, I live in the Diamond Settlement right now, but shut up, I'm just there to recruit people to my side... Yeah, and they make things less boring. And... a tiny bit less miserable.

Correct! People know how to tell who truly IS a dandelion! Also you take that back before I turn you into a hairy bulborb for the rest of your life - CJ-Does-Pikmin (talk) 03:46, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

HP Firesnout Larva.png
TALK – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
How about YOU take it back! I'm not a dandelion! And you are one, so all your hair is going to fly away and then you'll be BALD and UGLY!! How do you like that? ... Wait, what do you mean "turn me into a Hairy Bulborb"?? What the heckk? Is that something people can do?? Don't do that! Bulborbs are big and lazy and clumsy and stupid! Cannon Beetles are waaay cooler! You better not mess with me! Or I'll turn you into a fire!

Make Scoria an actual tyrant. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy  12:52, 23 April 2024 (UTC)