Clever Clover

From Pikmin Fanon
Clever Clover
Family Chrysanthemum

The Clever Clover is a species of chrysanthemum that disguises itself as a patch of clovers and releases flying seeds containing acidic sludge.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Clever Clover.

In Pikmin Evolution

Pikmin Evolution icon.png
"An Evolution Revolution."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Evolution, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Evolution icon.png
Clever Clover The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Taraxacum quattris
Family Chrysanthemum
Habitats Swamps
Diet Insects
Rarity Common
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 12
Collectable resources Leaf matter, mud
Attacks Eats Pikmin, scatters acidic seeds
Resistances Acid icon.png Poison icon.png
Weaknesses Ice icon.png Fire icon.png

The Clever Clover is a species of chrysanthemum appearing in Pikmin Evolution. It shares the same general design as the Creeping Chrysanthemum's Pikmin 4 design, but its body is now emerald green and as the name suggests instead of having margarets on its head it now has a patch of clovers instead. Approximately twenty clovers are found on the head of the Clever Clover, but four of those clovers contain the eyes of the creature. They share the exact same attacking behavior as its fellow creeper, hiding underground disguising themselves as a plant, in this case a clover patch, and rising from the ground when someone comes near. The Clever Clover attacks with its long sticky tongue. However the Clever Clover also constantly scatters seeds from the top of its head, these seeds are propelled by clovers which act as the seeds propellers. These seeds drift in the air and follow your captain, just above them enough that they are out of reach from most Pikmin attacks. When the seeds reach a certain point the clovers will drop their payload and release the seeds, these seeds then shatter upon landing and reveal a drop of acidic sludge. This sludge will become more dangerous as more and more seeds get scattered, meaning without Germ Pikmin you will be unable to get close to the Clever Clover due to its territory eventually becoming covered in sludge. As previously stated Germ Pikmin are the best types to take on this creature, however their low attack power and the creatures high health means defeating it could be a challenge, especially since the Clever Clover is also immune to the acidic taste of the Germ Pikmin as well as the poisonous purple syrup. What you should be doing instead is have the Clever Clover lose the clovers on its head, as without them they can't create more acidic seeds to spread. To do this you can do one of two things, firstly you can feed it an icy cyan syrup, this freezes not just it, but also the clovers on its head, solidifying them into a helmet that makes the creature tip over due to the weight of it, leading to the clovers being shattered. The other method is a lot simpler, set it on fire with a red syrup and it will bald from the burns, losing the clovers in the process. Once all the clovers are removed it becomes as threatening as a standard Creeping Chrysanthemum and therefore the same strategies can be used to take it down for good. Overall a dangerous enemy with a crippling weakness that causes it to lose its biggest trump card.
