Bulbie (Bulbmin)

From Pikmin Fanon
Pikmin: Steve's Adventure
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Steve's Adventure, a fanon game created by Pikminwraith.
To do: Convert "EP" into something that can be understood by anybody.
For other characters of the same name, see Bulbie (disambiguation).
P2 Bulbmin adult art.jpg
Health 102 EP 5-7
Magic 61 EP 2-4
Attack 60 EP 4-6 (physical)
59 EP 2-4 (magical)
Defense 53 EP 3-5 (physical)
48 EP 3-5 (magical)
Speed 43 EP 2-4

Bulbie is a young, brave, adventure-seeking Bulbmin in Pikmin: Steve's Adventure that joins Steve and his friends when they visit Safari Village, Bulbie's hometown. When Bulbie first joins the party, he is a level five bud and is quite strong. He shares his name with Olimar's dog.