Omega Progg

From Pikmin Fanon
Omega Progg
Family Shepik

The Omega Progg is a species of gargantuan shepik that possesses extreme power.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Omega Progg.

In Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator

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This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
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Omega Progg The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Unknown
Areas None
Caves Black Hole
Attacks Corrodes, electrocutes, burns, poisons, and drowns Pikmin, produces adhesive

The Omega Progg is the sole relative of the Smoky Progg in Pikmin: Sinister Incinerator, and up until its defeat on the twentieth floor of the Black Hole, it serves as one of the main points in the storyline. The government loan shark company that fell under the control of the Puffstool's spores and commanded by the Complex Parasite was ordered to seek out dark spores for the parasite's consumption to fuel its energy. The greatest of all the dark spores was said to be the soul of the Omega Progg, skulking in the darkest regions of the Distant Planet. After the President's rescue from the G-Base situated nearby the Black Hole, Olimar and Louie discovered the cave themselves and entered it to defeat the Omega Progg and prevent the ultimate dark spore from ever being put to use. In reality, the ultimate dark spore referred to as the creature's soul was the actual creature itself, with the apparition surrounding it merely a defensive measure, rather than a true progg. Therefore, the Omega Progg didn't actually exist. It is documented in the Piklopedia nonetheless because it is defeated before the true end of the story. The creature that is fought looks like a Smoky Progg, only much bigger and with five eyes. What looks like a progg's eyes serve as windows for the core to gaze through.

The arena the Omega Progg is fought within is very simple, being a circular chamber massive enough to suit the progg's size, which is just a tad larger than the Emperor Bulblax in Pikmin 1. It has several attacks at its disposal, and all but two of them correspond to a color of Pikmin. Its attacks are listed in no particular order:

  • The progg bends down and focuses on an area, then opens up what looks like massive jaws and breathes an intense and large jet of fire at that spot. This is a good opportunity to get to the side and throw Pikmin at it.
  • The progg's head vibrates quickly and then it emits five lighting bolts that make contact with the ground. It then moves the bolts around randomly, hoping to fry Pikmin. Just stand clear of the bolts.
  • The progg turns from green to blue and then suddenly splatters everywhere, which is a soapy water attack. Attack the core for massive damage, which will be vulnerable for a few seconds before it manages to reform its defenses.
  • The progg stops moving and jets out a rotating system of poison gas streams that spin around on the floor.
  • The progg's mouth opens up and it sprays an adhesive webbing all over Pikmin. This is hard to dodge, but if Pikmin get stuck it'll be the Black Pikmin that scrape back the webbing in a hurry.
  • The progg blows green bubbles which float around and explode in what could be described as an acid bomb. Keep all but Green Pikmin away from this.
  • It can plow through Pikmin like a normal Smoky Progg. Luckily, this big enemy is slow.
  • Lastly, the progg can rear up and blast forth three waves that instantly kill Pikmin that make contact with them unless they're idle. If it rears up, just dismiss the Pikmin immediately.

After all of its health is depleted, the progg's eyes will start to overload, the light spreading through the rest of the progg, and the ultimate dark spore will unintentionally finish itself off with its bright lights. After this threat is gone, there remains but one last step: to finish off the Complex Parasite itself, beneath the faraway island known as the Portal.