Crawbster Cave

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 01:39, 19 April 2021 by Cheepy-Cheepy (talk | contribs) (I'll come back to this later, when I get around to the area and cave articles.)


Crawbster Cave
Location Merciless Mountains
Sublevels 13
Treasures 19
Hazards Fire, Water, Electricity, Poison, Sticky, Ice, and Acid

Crawbster Cave is the first cave you'll enter in Merciless Mountains in the game Pikmin: The After Years. This is a tough cave with a lot of tough enemies. There is a new boss on the final sublevel. There are 13 sublevels with 19 treasures located here.


Once defeated, the Clambering Crawbster will drop the Computerized Creativity.