Ultra-bitter spray

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 07:28, 31 December 2022 by Jody (talk | contribs)
This article relates to the official games. See Pikipedia's "Ultra-bitter spray" article for more official information.
File:Pikmin 2 Spray Screen.jpg
The ultra-bitter spray with its corresponding data.

Ultra-bitter spray is a purple-colored spray that is received by gathering ten purple Burgeoning Spiderwort berries by finding a concentrated dose. When used, it temporarily turns any nearby enemy to stone, rendering them unable to do anything. It can also be used on active bomb rocks to delay their imminent detonation.

There are generally fewer ultra-bitter berries carrying Burgeoning Spiderworts, which makes the spray harder to obtain in comparison to ultra-spicy sprays.


Upon use, any enemy in front of the leader that used the spray instantly becomes immobilized and slowly turns into stone. The enemy is only temporarily immobilized and will eventually break free. Before reaching this point, the enemy begins shaking, an indication that the petrification is wearing off. In total, this effect lasts for nine seconds: one second for the stones to form and eight seconds of the complete encasement. If there are no enemies nearby, the leader will still spray it in the air, wasting one dosage.

Any regular enemy that becomes petrified will have its defense decreased, such that all Pikmin and leader attacks cause 150% normal damage. However, any petrified boss will have its defense increased, and all attacks will cause only 25% of normal damage. Purple Pikmin stomps and bomb-rock damage is not changed either way.

Petrifying enemies that are in the process of eating any Pikmin will make it possible to save those Pikmin from dying. Likewise, bomb rocks that were in the middle of their countdown will freeze, allowing the leaders and Pikmin a chance of reaching safety. It should also be noted that a petrified dormant bomb rock will become active after the petrification ends, even if it was not attacked during it.

When an enemy is defeated while petrified, it will crumble to dust and leave behind some drops of liquid. Each one can either be nectar or a type of spray nectar. It still relinquishes whichever treasures or pellets it would normally drop. The number of blobs and the chances of what type they will depend on the petrified entity.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Ultra-bitter spray.

In Pikmin SP

In Pikmin SP, the ultra-bitter spray has quite a bit of use against a certain boss, and it is still gained in the same way as in Pikmin 2. It can be found in Bramble Woods, behind a black bramble gate, quite close to the landing site. The spray has different effects on certain types of enemies, as it keeps normal enemies petrified for ten seconds while boss enemies stay affected for only five seconds. This spray does not affect some enemies at all.

In Pikmin X: Deep Freeze

Pikmin X Deep Freeze icon.png
Pikmin X: Deep Freeze
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin X: Deep Freeze, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Pikmin X Deep Freeze icon.png

Ultra-bitter spray in Pikmin X: Deep Freeze works differently than in other games. While it can still be obtained from purple Burgeoning Spiderwort berries, breaking open eggs or killing Black Spectralids, the spray no longer petrifies enemies. Instead, using the ultra-bitter spray causes a circle of gas to form around the leader who used it, acting as a repellent. The circle has a large radius and enemies will refuse to enter the perimeter of it. Should the leader who used it come too close to an enemy, it will flee and open itself up to attack, protecting Pikmin from them. The effects wear off after about thirty seconds. Bosses and minibosses are immune to the effects of this spray and completely ignore the repelling circle.