Jade Bulborb

From Pikmin Fanon
Jade Bulborb
Family Grub-dog

The Jade Bulborb is species of a bulborb that fires shards of jade from holes on its backside.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Jade Bulborb.

In Pikmin: Gold/Silver/Bronze

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Gold! Silver! Bronze!
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Gold/Silver/Bronze, a fanon game created by GoldPikPik.
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Jade Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
Jade Bulborb.jpg
Scientific name Oculus kageyamii ilia
Family Grub-dog
Areas None
Caves Cave of Origin
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 5
Attacks Eats and skewers Pikmin

The Jade Bulborb is a bulborb appearing in Pikmin: Gold/Silver/Bronze, located only in the Cave of Origin. It is light green, and on its backside are holes covered by a dark green film that can open up. Shards of jade are launched from these holes. Depending on the size of the shard and the range between the bulborb and its target, its shards can stun, wound, or kill leaders and Pikmin.


Olimar's notes

The jade bulborb is a strange grub-dog. Its skin is composed of a material that is very similar to the biological rock that makes up the Rock Pikmin. Why it is composed of this material is unknown, but the theory has been proposed that it is relatively close to the rockborb. This has not been proven or disproven. The jade bulborb has a unique characteristic found in no other creature yet on this planet. The spots on its abdomen are composed of a crystalized membrane. When the membrane vibrates, it fuses small particles of jade-like rock into projectiles, which are instantly launched out at breakneck speeds toward predators. Why it has such amazing offensive and defensive capabilities remains unknown.

Louie's notes

This creature can be either fried in oil or boiled in water. Either method will dissolve it into flavored water that invigorates with the slightest drink. Boiling it in water take longer, but frying it in oil creates less invigoration and more calories with every drink.