User:A Friendly Amprat/PASchars/User:Scoria/Scoria's notes: Difference between revisions

From Pikmin Fanon
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(96 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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{{Word bubble  
{{User:A Friendly Amprat/PASchars/User:Scoria/bubble|Hey you! Yeah, you! The person reading this page! Tell {{linkcolor|#0C6|User:A Friendly Amprat|Amprat}} to GET BACK TO WORK ON {{linkcolor|#0C6|Pikmin: Antarctic Survival|ANTARCTIC SURVIVAL}}! '''He's not working on my game anymore!''' I want him to make more game pages! Like for {{linkcolor|#0C6|Dwarf Fiery Bulblax|Kenna}}, she seems way less stupid than most of the people in the {{linkcolor|#0C6|Diamond Settlement}}, and she should team up with me since we're both strong and tough fire creatures! But she won't be my friend anyway, but NOT THAT I CARE anyway!! Because I don't! That's just stupid! But maybe she'd stop being REALLY STUPID if she had a page on Pikmin Fanon, so Amprat should create one NOW!! Also, TELL HIM TO STOP CALLING ME A "GRUMPY BABY"!! I'm not a "grumpy baby!" I'm nine years old! That's not a baby! Amprat is a grumpy baby, not me! He's probably like five! And that's why he isn't making more pages for Antarctic Survival, because he's a stupid baby! He's just working on his other game too, which is called like {{linkcolor|#0C6|Pikmin III|"Pikmin Eye-Eye-Eye"}} or something dumb like that! Why would someone make a game called that!? Like most creatures only have two eyes or maybe one! No one has three eyes! That would be stupid! Like Amprat not working on Antarctic Survival, because he's lazy and a stupid baby! Like {{linkcolor|#0C6|Arctic Cannon Larva#In Pikmin: Antarctic Survival|Yuki}}, all "waah waah look at me being all nice to everyone because everyone is nice to ME!" She's so annoying! Right? You agree, right? Wait, what was I talking about again? Ugh, it doesn't even matter, forget- Oh, wait, I remember! Amprat working on his game! Tell Amprat to stop working on Pikmin 3 because that game is ALREADY OUT and it's BEEN out for like ten years already, and how is Amprat too dumb and stupid baby to realize that? And he should work on Antarctic Survival, which is a WAY better game because I'M in it and I'm super strong and awesome!! His other game is booring, and I don't care and nobody cares either! Yeah! So go tell Amprat to WORK ON MY GAME AGAIN! Spam his {{linkcolor|#0C6|User talk:A Friendly Amprat|talk page}} until he responds and finishes my game! Or else you're stupid too, and you should just go leave and live in a tree or something!|time=18:45:20, 20 April 2024}}nyehehehehehe Scoria sucks
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Yeah, still cooler than YOU ARE!"
|text=Hey you! Yeah, you! The person reading this page! Tell {{linkcolor|#0C6|User:A Friendly Amprat|Amprat}} to GET BACK TO WORK ON {{linkcolor|#0C6|Pikmin: Antarctic Survival|ANTARCTIC SURVIVAL}}! '''He's not working on my game anymore!''' I want him to make more game pages! Like for {{linkcolor|#0C6|Dwarf Fiery Bulblax|Kenna}}, she seems way less stupid than most of the people in the {{linkcolor|#0C6|Diamond Settlement}}, and she should team up with me since we're both strong and tough fire creatures! But she won't be my friend anyway, but NOT THAT I CARE anyway!! Because I don't! That's just stupid! But maybe she'd stop being REALLY STUPID if she had a page on Pikmin Fanon, so Amprat should create one NOW!! Also, TELL HIM TO STOP CALLING ME A "GRUMPY BABY"!! I'm not a "grumpy baby!" I'm nine years old! That's not a baby! Amprat is a grumpy baby, not me! He's probably like five! And that's why he isn't making more pages for Antarctic Survival, because he's a stupid baby! He's just working on his other game too, which is called like {{linkcolor|#0C6|Pikmin III|"Pikmin Eye-Eye-Eye"}} or something dumb like that! Why would someone make a game called that!? Like most creatures only have two eyes or maybe one! No one has three eyes! That would be stupid! Like Amprat not working on Antarctic Survival, because he's lazy and a stupid baby! Like {{linkcolor|#0C6|Arctic Cannon Larva#In Pikmin: Antarctic Survival|Yuki}}, all "waah waah look at me being all nice to everyone because everyone is nice to ME!" She's so annoying! Right? You agree, right? Wait, what was I talking about again? Ugh, it doesn't even matter, forget- Oh, wait, I remember! Amprat working on his game! Tell Amprat to stop working on Pikmin 3 because that game is ALREADY OUT and it's BEEN out for like ten years already, and how is Amprat too dumb and stupid baby to realize that? And he should work on Antarctic Survival, which is a WAY better game because I'M in it and I'm super strong and awesome!! His other game is booring, and I don't care and nobody cares either! Yeah! So go tell Amprat to WORK ON MY GAME AGAIN! Spam his {{linkcolor|#0C6|User talk:A Friendly Amprat|talk page}} until he responds and finishes my game! Or else you're stupid too, and you should just go leave and live in a tree or something!

Get hypnotized dummy

HAHAHAHAHAHA - Some random person you definitely don't know

{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Beetle.png
|fonttype=Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif
|sig=🍦💎❄️ 𝒞𝓇𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁 💎❄️🍦 👋
|text=There. See, Scoria? The nice moderators<!--Actually, it was me--> of the wiki reverted your page back for you. Do you feel better now?
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="The Tyrant of the Antarctic!!"
|text=Y-yes... that's better... (*sniff*)
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Larva.png
|fonttype=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="When I grow up, I'm gonna be all shiny!"
|text=It's okay Scoria. That guy was just trying to make you upset. I dunno why people do stuff like that.
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Yeah, I'm AWESOME."
|text=<small>... I know why...</small>
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Larva.png
|fonttype=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Do you wanna build a snowman?"
|text=He's gone now... Let's go play outside, okay?
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Fire > Everything Else"
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Beetle.png
|fonttype=Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif
|sig=🍦💎❄️ 𝒞𝓇𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁 💎❄️🍦 👋
|text=Alright everyone, let's head outside. Come now.
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Larva.png
|fonttype=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
|sig=""Ice" to meet you! Heehee!"
|text=I'm gonna make a big snow sculpture like Mama! Let's make it together, Scoria!
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Fire is super awesome! And I can make fire whenever I want!"
|text=I... I guess so...
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Porquillion.png
|fonttype=Times New Roman, Georgia, sans-serif
|sig="Make your dreams come true, oui!"
|text=Ah, très bien! All is well zat ends well, honh?

Scoria... You'll love the Patasitas.

Oh? That gaze? Nah, it's fine. You're just hallucinating. Or... are you? Go ahead, take 'em for a spin! - <sup>'''''<u>FAITH</u>'''''</sup> 's reaction to Scoria in Hypnotic City/Hypnotic Island

{{Word bubble
:SCORIA? Hello! - Leo
|image=P4 Tusked Blowhog.png
|fonttype=Arial, sans-serif
|text=... Well. That was stupid. What a waste of time.<br>Everyone better get back to work, hmph.

{{Word bubble
Hey Scoria can you make the boxart and soundtrack for ''[[Pikmin: Colors]]''??? We need that game to reach 690% completion! {{User:Cheepy-Cheepy/sig}} 12:39, 5 June 2024 (UTC)
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
AHHSHASHAGSFGAHKDFGAKKSFJSJLLSAFJDA>FLJFGADLGKADHDAGAKLASJADGLADA - '''[[User:Faith|Faith]]<sup>[[User talk:Faith|:D]]</sup>''' 14:22, 5 June 2024 (UTC)
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Carrot stew recipe
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Carrot stew recipe google
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Google carrot stew recipe
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Please google recipe carrot stew
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Why google is not working
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Make carrot stew

{{Word bubble
Scoria have left the chat, forever. {{User:Blower Pot/sig}}
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Beetle.png
|fonttype=Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif
|sig=🍦💎❄️ 𝒞𝓇𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁 💎❄️🍦 👋
|text=This isn't Google... This is Pikmin Fanon.
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Carrot stwe
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Beetle.png
|fonttype=Lucida Bright, Lucida Console, Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif
|sig=🍦💎❄️ 𝒞𝓇𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁 💎❄️🍦 👋
|text=Mamuselah... 🤦

{{Word bubble
:Oh, hi Scoria! Can we join us on your team? My friend Cheepy-Cheepy said that we need to reach the game 690% completion! Scoria, can you calm down and join our team? Go to my sig and check it! - Leo
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="I'm the most powerful creature in the Antarctic!"
|text=Okay, why are you guys talking on MY page?? GET OFF MY PAGE!!
{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Aaaand she's mad again. Also, i kept the talking smack to my face in mind.}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Parents are dumb, who needs 'em??" We are back again blud. - Swordsmahine
|text=What are YOU doing back here? Didn't you learn your lesson last time? Swords Machine LAME-ing!!
}}{{Word bubble

|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png
Well, Scoria definitely isn't coming back now. At least not for four years. {{User:A Friendly Amprat/sig}}
|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)
|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"
|text=Eh, imma just go back to trolling. NYEHEHEHEH!
}}{{User:Blower Pot/bub|Oh, amazing. Very happy.}}
{{PKSC|I’m going insane.}}{{Word bubble

|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png
:Hahahahaha. {{User:Cheepy-Cheepy/sig}} 13:14, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)
|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"
|text=Wait what?

{{Word bubble
Scoria loooooooooves Paper Mario Sticker Star. [[User:Amiga|Amiga]] ([[User talk:Amiga|talk]]) 19:42, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Still cooler than you!" Back on the pain train you go!! - Swordsmachine
|text=Swordsmachine, you BETTER stop trolling NOW NOW NOW! You're NOT funny, you're just ANNOYING! And I'm not gonna let you get away with it this time! If you push me, you're not gonna like what I'm gonna do. SO '''CUT IT OUT!!!'''
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Trolls have no life!!"
|text=Hey Swordmachine, I SEE you changing my signature! STOP NOW! That's NOT cool! That's stupid and not funny! So stop! Or else you're dumb!
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Arctic Cannon Larva.png
|fonttype=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Ice skating is so fun!"
|text=Oh Scoria, did the internet troll come back? You really should stop interacting with him. He's really trying to get to you again, like last time.
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="The strongest creature in the Antarctic!" Trolling 2: Electric Boogalo - Swordsmachine
|text=I'm not lettin' him win! I beat him last time and I'm gonna beat him again because I'm way stronger than he is! Way stronger than a stupid sword robot or whatever he said. So I don't care Yuki! Go away!
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Mamuta.png
|fonttype=Comic Sans MS, sans-serif
|text=Carrot stew recipe
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Fire is super awesome! And I can make fire whenever I want!"
|text=Shut the darn up Mamuselah! Get off my page!
{{PKSC|Get Tatoursin here.}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png
|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)
|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"
|text=Ngl. Man-at-Long-Legs did want his moneys worth so every dang arachnorb can fight the Diamond Settlements Raging Long Legs all at once.
}}Bro, let their Raging Long Legs FIGHT all of us arachnorbs at once idk about GLLP since he's mostly a passive type of arachnorb if someone is trying to well challange him but hes a trooper for sure. - [[Man-at-Long-Legs]]
What gets stupid gets even [[User:Gerald/Official Page|stupidier]]. {{User:Blower Pot/sig}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="The Tyrant of the Antarctic!!" Suffer. - Swordsmachine
|text="What gets stupid?" You should tell Swordsmachine to go over there then. He is the king of stupid! And no, Tatoursin can stay off my page. His accent is soo annoying!
{{User:Blower Pot/bub|<s>If stuffs get serious again, time for revert it all again.</s> That is [[Peeper|Gerald]]'s quote, he thought this chaos was stupid, so he just made it stupidier and made his own page. But something says he's much better than you.}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="You are WEAK!!" Lord. She finna get herself banned if she continues asking for my age lol or questions what my age really is. - Swordsmachine
|text=I SEE you changing my signature again! You're not clever! You're sooo annoying and stupid! Are you like five years old? STOP IT.
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Bow before your Tyrant! OR ELSE!" Honestly my luck is bad lol but i seen worse. Like, if you only shoot out fire balls then Red Pikmin will solo you if your in one of the mainline Pikmin games. Really im not wrong also- fix your please. Imma change the text for ya cuz of that issue. - Swordsmachine
|text=Okay I KNOW that's you Swordmachine! And YOU'RE gonna get BANNED, '''NOT ME.''' SO STOP. THIS IS MY LAST WARNING TO YOU!! STOP CHANGING, MY PAGE!!!!!!!! STUPID BABY TROLL!
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Yeah, I'm awesome! Cry about it!" Then Rock Pikmin if the fire boulders you shoot out do crush Pikmin or if its just made out of fire. Also- fixed the grammer issue when your spelling 'stupid'. - Swordsmachine
{{User:Blower Pot/bub|But Red Pikmin can't die to fire. You would break the laws of logic and end the world.}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="I'm the strongest creature in the Antarctic!" You mean water or just the flame that is from an oven? like i fixed the grammer issue you had btw. Like trolls can be nice sometimes. And your color scheme is around the fire type of enemies. -Swordsmachine
|text=Ever heard of BLUE fire? STUPID. ALL OF YOU OFF MY PAGE!
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Being a Tyrant is AWESOME! Not that you'd know though!!"
|text=STOP. CHANGING. MY. PAGE!! I am going to GO for a few minutes to EAT FOOD, and you BETTER not CHANGE MY PAGE while I'm gone! IF I see any Swordmachine "trolls" on my page, I'm GOING TO BURN YOU TO DEATH! BEcause I"m WAAAAAAY stronger than stupid sword machine baby troll baby idiot!
}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png
|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)
|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"
|text=Let me be real with you here.  Like really if you think you can actually defeat god SOLO then send me a video after you get done. Like if you think your so strong and powerful, then lets be real:Red Pikmin are immune to EVERY type of fire like ANY Fire Variant from normal to blue fire. Like if the stuff you shoot crushes Pikmin then Rock Pikmin will solo or Purple Pikmin even since in Pikmin 2 they are OP as hell. So you shut your mouth or ya going to be living in the dumps like one of those down bad folk on Twitter.
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Well oops, I set them on '''FIRE'''!!"
|text=Look I dont care I don't know who God Solo is, but I'm SURE I could beat him too!! And NO, MY fire so SO hot that Red Pikmin are going to die! And no, it doesn't CRUSH Pikmin, I just BURN them. Go back to PRE-SCHOOL, stupid baby troll! LEARN words. Purple Pikmin and other all Pikmin aren't any as strong as ME, but they're stronger than YOU, and they always kick YOUR tail so that's probably but what you think they do to everyone like me too! But no, I'M stronger than you are, so GET OFF MY PAGE!
}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Like really. JUST FIGHT GOD ALREADY IF YOU THINK YOUR SO STRONG AND ALL AND POST IT ON TWITTER. Like really your testing my patience rn.}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="I'm the most POWERFUL creature in the Antarctic!"
|text=Oh, oh, are you mad? Are you jealous that I'm so POWERFUL? Yeah, well GET OVER IT! Because I'm WAY strong!!! I can ZERO cycle you but I feel MERCIFUL today because I'm TOO BUSY to waste my time on the likes of YOU. I'm STRONGER than you and you just gotta accept it! And yeah, you're just weak, if YOU think you're so strong then stop editing my messages and being a Troll like a baby and stupid! That's what you are! Not strong! Stupid! You're being big dumb and stupid! Your messages are gonna get reset and you're still less powerful than I am! Pikmin can beat YOU easy but not ME. Because you're weak, Pikmin are weak but less weak, and I'm the STRONGEST CREATURE IN THE ANTARCTIC so HA HA BABY.
}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Like im being real with you with this. How does a TINY creature from Hey! Pikmin can be strong? Hey! Pikmin is the most hated game from the Pikmin fandom due to it being from the 3DS and mostly all of its enemies are WEAK like really. I stopped being a troll cuz i had to be real with this ok? Like really Red Pikmin are completely immune to fire since if you can kill Red Pikmin with just fire your honestly breaking the logic of what they have.}}{{User:Blower Pot/bub|Reset will being in 10 minutes...}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Parents are dumb, who needs 'em??"
|text=What are you stupiding about now? No one asked what you think about me on my page or EVER! And I am NOT TINY, YOU ARE TINY. And yeah I don't CARE if you hate Pikmin, or if you hate ME, I don't care and you're just sore because you're losing, because you're weaker than me and weaker than Pikmin. You are WEAK and your enemies are LESS weak but I am stronger than you, and if Red Pikmin mess with me I don't care I will beat them ANYWAY. Stop being STUPID on my PAGE and go do your HOMEWORK small baby dumb! Leave me alone already!
{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png
|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)
|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"
|text=Good. I'm really done with dealing with Scoria just being toxic and well- mad at just everything in general. Before you reset it i gotta make an annoucement to Scoria and promise me its a good one.
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Fire is super awesome! And I can make fire whenever I want!"
|text=I'M not being TOXIC! I'm being FIREY! YOU'RE the one who is toxic! And fire is WAY cooler than POISON, so again, YOU LOSE. Now get off MY page. You can make your OWN page if you want to be an idiot baby. No more messages, and NO MORE CHANGING MY MESSAGES EITHER!!!
}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Im boutta cut out your dang organs if you dont shut up about every god damn thing in existance and im being real with you rn so PLEASE shut up about everything would you?}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="I am the Tyrant of Fire! Bow to me NOW!"
|text=Guess what stupid baby troll! This is MY page and I am allowed to talk on MY OWN page, so MAKE ANOTHER ONE if you don't want to see me! You are being a troll and stupid for no reason and you are probably 3 or 2, based by how you keep TROLLING my PAGE like an STUPID. Now GET OUT OF here or I will make my page! STUPID!!
{{PKSC| <small>The Porquillion is a boss appearing in Pikmin 4 that visually resembles a swollen porcupine or hedgehog. This creature is one of the most well-known bosses in 'Pikmin 4, as it is the first boss encountered in the game's tutorial, and then it appears frequently throughout the game, in locations such as the Sun-Speckled Terrace and the Hero's Hideaway.
The Porquillion is a member of the Sharpshell family, and the only known canon member of this family. This creature attacks by shooting out spikes when threatened, though this seems to be a defense mechanism and not an offensive weapon, as the creature is noted by Olimar and Dalmo to be quite cowardly and hide from any possible danger. Despite its timid nature, the Porquillion is clearly quite strong, as it has a large amount of health due to its status as a boss enemy, and its spikes can kill many Pikmin at once if it catches the player off guard.
A Porquillion has four divided segments of its body, each of which has its own set of spikes. When the Porquillion attacks Pikmin, it shoots the spikes from a segment of its body, which leaves that segment of its body bare. Once all four segments of the Porquillion's body have lost their spikes, the creature is defenseless for a short time, and cannot do anything to harm Pikmin as it has no more spikes to shoot. During this time, the Porquillion will try to avoid getting hurt by Pikmin as it prepares to regenerate its spikes. It takes some time for the Porquillion to regrow its spikes, providing an opportunity to attack the creature. Once this time has passed, the Porquillion will stop moving and visibly charge itself up, with a sound indicating its incoming spike growth. After this happens, the creature's body will fully regrow all of its spikes, which impales any Pikmin unfortunate enough to still be latched onto the creature's body.
The Porquillion is the most common boss in Pikmin 4, as it is fought a number of times throughout the game, numbering seven in all. The creature is first fought as the tutorial boss of the game, where Olimar battles it with up to one hundred Pikmin while riding Moss. After this, the Porquillion appears a bit later in the game as an area boss of the Sun-Speckled Terrace, where it guards the Distant Summit landing site, which can be activated once the creature is killed. After this, some time passes before another Porquillion is encountered, but one is eventually found in the Hero's Hideaway, where it stands on top of the kitchen counter. In the same area, the Hero's Hideaway, the Plunder Palace cave contains the fourth Porquillion, which is on the third sublevel as one of the rare cases where a cave contains a mini-boss sublevel. A fifth Porquillion is encountered in the Cradle of the Beast, where it appears on the second sublevel alongside many other enemies. A sixth Porquillion appears in Olimar's Shipwreck Tale, on the same table in the Hero's Hideaway where it was fought in the tutorial. This Porquillion is technically the same as the Porquillion fought as the tutorial boss, but it has to be re-fought in Olimar's Shipwreck Tale to claim the Interstellar Radio ship part for Olimar's ship. Lastly, the seventh and final Porquillion appears in the Trial of the Sage Leaf, as part of its mini-boss gauntlet on the ninth sublevel. Unlike many other bosses and mini-bosses, the Porquillion never appears in the Cavern for a King.
Porquillions are best fought with Rock Pikmin, because their spike attacks are considered blunt force, and thus a Porquillion cannot harm Rock Pikmin at all. The Porquillion can also be fought with any other Pikmin type, and Ice Pikmin can be quite useful against it due to their ability to freeze the creature solid after doing enough damage. Using items such as trackonators and ice blasts can be very useful when fighting a Porquillion, if such items are available. Ultra-spicy spray is helpful if the player has it on hand as well, since powered-up Pikmin can deplete the Porquillion's health much more quickly.
Often, swarming and rushing are an effective way to quickly deal heavy damage to a Porquillion and complete it in just one or two combat cycles before it gets the chance to regrow its spikes. However, some Porquillions, such as the one in the Hero's Hideaway on the kitchen counter, are encountered on raised platforms. These Porquillions cannot be rushed, as the Pikmin will be blocked by the ledges of the raised platforms. Instead, throwing Pikmin is the only feasible strategy, which takes a bit longer since only one Pikmin can be thrown at a time. However, even in these cases, items like bomb rocks can still be used against the creature to defeat it more quickly and safely.
In the Cradle of the Beast, one notable Porquillion is known to have eaten the King of Meats, which is the second heaviest treasure in Pikmin 4 with a weight of 300 units, behind only the Golden Vaulting Table, which has a weight of 1000 units. It is not known how a Porquillion was able to consume such a massive item, especially given how small its mouth is.
When a Porquillion is being battled, the music playing in the area switches to a boss theme which makes use of drums and a thumb piano, also known as a kalimba or mbira. The thumb piano instrument is associated with the Porquillion in Pikmin 4, as no other boss encountered in the game has this instrument in its boss theme, instead having their own unique instruments, since every enemy throughout all of the game has its own unique musical theme.
Altogether, the Porquillion is a very recognizable enemy and an excellent new addition to the Pikmin series. It can be challenging, but its attacks can be easily predicted and avoided, making it a good boss for the early game.</small>
'''<big>NUH UH</big>'''}}
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|text=Wow, that's crazy! Did someone ask tho?
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Porquillion.png
|fonttype=Times New Roman, Georgia, sans-serif
|sig="Make your dreams come true, oui!"
|text=What is zis? Je suis Porquillion, and I am not sure of ze validity of zis information. What ees a "Hero's Hideaway"? And why are we talking about attacking zem? We are not aggressive creatures, non!
}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Hero's Hideaway is a humans house. And the attacking part is about how to attack them in the spot where after they shot their spikes. Also please someone get Scoria to shut up before im cutting her limbs off and nailing it to my door.}}
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Porquillion.png
|fonttype=Times New Roman, Georgia, sans-serif
|sig="Together we can accomplish anything!"
|text=Err... Qui es tu? You seem very angry, oui... Did Scoria upset you? I am sorry about zis. She has a lot of anger issues and it eez not pleasant for anyone. I will try to get her to settle down, but don't feel too upset, honh? She is only small child, l'enfant. She has been through a lot. Do not worry about what she says about you, non. Her bark ees louder than her bite. Just ignore her, s'il te plaît.
}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Honestly i think she fits will in Twitter due to her behavior and her personality being that of the very angry folk of Twitter so she would fit well there.}}
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Porquillion.png
|fonttype=Times New Roman, Georgia, sans-serif
|sig="Believe in Yourself! Always!"
|text=She ees just an angry and upset child. It ees a long story you see. And it seems like you are encouraging her, non? Just stop responding to ze messages and she will stop complaining about you, oui? I do not know why zis is so upsetting to either of vous.
{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="I don't need you guys! I'm INDEPENDENT."
|text=Tatoursin, get off my page! And tell the others to get off too! Because this is MY page, and I am supposed to send MY messages here!
{{Word bubble
|image=P4 Porquillion.png
|fonttype=Times New Roman, Georgia, sans-serif
|sig="The Diamond Settlement, our proudest accomplishment!"
|text=Le petit Scoria, please try to calm down, honh? Zis ees not necessary. Ze admins will reset your page soon, and ze troll will go away. So please stop with ze angry messaging, oui?
{{User:Blower Pot/bub|Reset rerunning, now in 5 minutes...}}{{Word bubble
|image=Swordsmachine Gaming.png|color=#7adbba|color2=#7adbba|textcolor=#62ac96|textcolor2=#62ac96|line=|fonttype=Geostar|name=Swordsmachine (Gaming) (Locked In)|sig="[[| Pikmin WIP]] is a good Roblox game and you cant proove me WRONG!"|time=|text=Good riddance.}}{{Word bubble
|image=HP Firesnout Larva.png
|fonttype=Optima, Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif
|sig="Oh yeah, I'm STILL stronger than you!"
|text=Yes, reset please! And block the stupid swords machine troll! After you reset OTHER PEOPLE off MY page, I have an annouincement to make about STUPID BABY TROLL DUMMIES who won't STAY OFF MY PAGE and who like SWORDS AND WHINING. And how '''I''' am WAY stronger than the dumb troll who thinks hes strong but he's weak and JEALOUS. And dumb BABY STUPID..
{{User:Blower Pot/bub|...But I'm not a staff member to do this..? Anyways, reset will happen... After a time,}}

Latest revision as of 19:43, 19 June 2024

HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Yeah, still cooler than YOU ARE!"
TALK – Saturday, Apr 20, 2024
Hey you! Yeah, you! The person reading this page! Tell Amprat to GET BACK TO WORK ON ANTARCTIC SURVIVAL! He's not working on my game anymore! I want him to make more game pages! Like for Kenna, she seems way less stupid than most of the people in the Diamond Settlement, and she should team up with me since we're both strong and tough fire creatures! But she won't be my friend anyway, but NOT THAT I CARE anyway!! Because I don't! That's just stupid! But maybe she'd stop being REALLY STUPID if she had a page on Pikmin Fanon, so Amprat should create one NOW!! Also, TELL HIM TO STOP CALLING ME A "GRUMPY BABY"!! I'm not a "grumpy baby!" I'm nine years old! That's not a baby! Amprat is a grumpy baby, not me! He's probably like five! And that's why he isn't making more pages for Antarctic Survival, because he's a stupid baby! He's just working on his other game too, which is called like "Pikmin Eye-Eye-Eye" or something dumb like that! Why would someone make a game called that!? Like most creatures only have two eyes or maybe one! No one has three eyes! That would be stupid! Like Amprat not working on Antarctic Survival, because he's lazy and a stupid baby! Like Yuki, all "waah waah look at me being all nice to everyone because everyone is nice to ME!" She's so annoying! Right? You agree, right? Wait, what was I talking about again? Ugh, it doesn't even matter, forget- Oh, wait, I remember! Amprat working on his game! Tell Amprat to stop working on Pikmin 3 because that game is ALREADY OUT and it's BEEN out for like ten years already, and how is Amprat too dumb and stupid baby to realize that? And he should work on Antarctic Survival, which is a WAY better game because I'M in it and I'm super strong and awesome!! His other game is booring, and I don't care and nobody cares either! Yeah! So go tell Amprat to WORK ON MY GAME AGAIN! Spam his talk page until he responds and finishes my game! Or else you're stupid too, and you should just go leave and live in a tree or something!

nyehehehehehe Scoria sucks

Get hypnotized dummy

HAHAHAHAHAHA - Some random person you definitely don't know

Scoria... You'll love the Patasitas.

Oh? That gaze? Nah, it's fine. You're just hallucinating. Or... are you? Go ahead, take 'em for a spin! - FAITH 's reaction to Scoria in Hypnotic City/Hypnotic Island

SCORIA? Hello! - Leo

Hey Scoria can you make the boxart and soundtrack for Pikmin: Colors??? We need that game to reach 690% completion! ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy  12:39, 5 June 2024 (UTC) AHHSHASHAGSFGAHKDFGAKKSFJSJLLSAFJDA>FLJFGADLGKADHDAGAKLASJADGLADA - Faith:D 14:22, 5 June 2024 (UTC)

Scoria have left the chat, forever. Blower Pot icon.pngBlower Pot Talk | Contributions | Fanon game

Oh, hi Scoria! Can we join us on your team? My friend Cheepy-Cheepy said that we need to reach the game 690% completion! Scoria, can you calm down and join our team? Go to my sig and check it! - Leo

Well, Scoria definitely isn't coming back now. At least not for four years. – P4 Bearded Amprat icon.png A Friendly Amprat (Talk | Contribs | Projects)

Hahahahaha. ~ Cheepy-Cheepy icon.pngCheepy-Cheepy  13:14, 13 June 2024 (UTC)

Scoria loooooooooves Paper Mario Sticker Star. Amiga (talk) 19:42, 19 June 2024 (UTC)