Magmatic Slooch

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Magmatic Slooch
Family Slooch

The Magmatic Slooch is a species of giant slooch that leaves a trail of lava and sometimes releases natural gas.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Magmatic Slooch.

In Pikmin Evolution

Pikmin Evolution icon.png
"An Evolution Revolution."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Evolution, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Evolution icon.png
Magmatic Slooch The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Sulucina vulcanis (hypertrophic)
Family Slooch
Habitats Caves
Diet Insects
Rarity Rare
Carry weight 10
Max. carriers 20
Seed worth 12
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 10
Collectable resources Nitro fuel
Attacks Eats Pikmin, produces lava and natural gas, makes boulders fall
Resistances Fire icon.png Lava icon.png Natural gas icon.png
Weaknesses Water icon.png

The Magmatic Slooch is a type of hypertrophic slooch appearing in Pikmin Evolution, being an overgrown Pyroclasmic Slooch. Of all the hypertrophic and neotenic creatures, this one, alongside the different types of Jumbo Bulborbs and Masterhops, are the closest in terms of appearance to their original forms. It is between the size of a medium- and giant-sized Emperor Bulblax, and can be found anywhere with a sufficient amount of heat, such as those laden with fire or smoke. Like the Pyroclasmic Slooch leaves a temporary trail of fire behind itself as it moves, the Magmatic Slooch leaves a trail of lava that remains as long as it is alive, making traversal slower and burning any Pikmin that crosses it. The Magmatic Slooch has a similar fighting style to the Pyroclasmic Slooch, as expected, but since it's so large its tongue is able to eat up to 100 Pikmin with a single lick. Additionally, the Magmatic Slooch is surprisingly swift and can perform a powerful charging attack, during which it can devour up to 25 Pikmin in the path of its mad dash forward.

Due to its burning body, Elixer Pikmin are the only types that can damage the creature, so they should be the ones to take it on. Because it can eat so many Pikmin at once, swarming is ill-advised; instead, simply toss Pikmin onto its back, as doing so makes it harder for the creature to effectively use its licking or dashing attacks. If it completely misses its targets while charging, it can collide with a wall if it doesn't stop itself soon enough, causing boulders to fall from above, crushing anything unfortunate enough to be underneath. While the Magmatic Slooch may seem easy enough to dispatch, some are enshrouded by smoke. The toxic cloud will poison anything that enters it, including captains and Elixer Pikmin. Roach Pikmin would be the solution if not for the beast's searing flames, which they are not resistant to. Because Pikmin alone are unable to damage the Magmatic Slooch correctly, the leaders alone must find its weakness. Watery blue and icy cold syrups will only evaporate in the presence of the Magmatic Slooch, and no other syrup has a remarkable effect, so the only way to neutralize its defenses is to lure it into a body of water. Doing so extinguishes its flames and leaves it vulnerable to the attacks of all Pikmin. Once attacked enough or enough time has passed, the Slooch will roar, reigniting itself and causing the puddle to evaporate, requiring it to be lured into another body of water that formed nearby.

When killed, the natural gas in the area will dissipate, making it safe to breathe for all Pikmin types, which is especially important since the refuse it drops will always be covered in lava, meaning only Elixer Pikmin can carry it. Overall, the Magmatic Slooch is easy to combat despite its destructive potential but can become very dangerous when in the vicinity of particular hazards.


Ivy's journal

Normally, a creature becoming hypertrophic means it just becomes bigger due to hormone overload. The same fact applies to the Magmatic Slooch as that is simply a Pyroclasmic Slooch with a hormonal disability. However, the hormones seem to have reacted to the creature's intense heat, making it sweat more than it is normally capable of. This has led some poor individuals to literally be smoked out from its deadly gas, which is classified as a grade IV biohazard, so this creature should be avoided at all costs.

Leni's recipe book

Ivy has a point... If you shouldn't breathe this creature's toxic musk, you shouldn't eat it either.

Marvin's strategy guide

A small bucket of water isn't enough to cool this beast down. No, what you need to do is instead lure it to a torrent of water.