User:A Friendly Amprat/PASchars/User:Scoria/Scoria's notes

From Pikmin Fanon
< User:A Friendly Amprat‎ | PASchars‎ | User:Scoria
Revision as of 04:55, 5 May 2024 by SwordsmachineGaming352 (talk | contribs) (This coping craze is making PtASB lose money like a sinking ship!)
HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Yeah, still cooler than YOU ARE!"
TALK – Saturday, Apr 20, 2024
Hey you! Yeah, you! The person reading this page! Tell Amprat to GET BACK TO WORK ON ANTARCTIC SURVIVAL! He's not working on my game anymore! I want him to make more game pages! Like for Kenna, she seems way less stupid than most of the people in the Diamond Settlement, and she should team up with me since we're both strong and tough fire creatures! But she won't be my friend anyway, but NOT THAT I CARE anyway!! Because I don't! That's just stupid! But maybe she'd stop being REALLY STUPID if she had a page on Pikmin Fanon, so Amprat should create one NOW!! Also, TELL HIM TO STOP CALLING ME A "GRUMPY BABY"!! I'm not a "grumpy baby!" I'm nine years old! That's not a baby! Amprat is a grumpy baby, not me! He's probably like five! And that's why he isn't making more pages for Antarctic Survival, because he's a stupid baby! He's just working on his other game too, which is called like "Pikmin Eye-Eye-Eye" or something dumb like that! Why would someone make a game called that!? Like most creatures only have two eyes or maybe one! No one has three eyes! That would be stupid! Like Amprat not working on Antarctic Survival, because he's lazy and a stupid baby! Like Yuki, all "waah waah look at me being all nice to everyone because everyone is nice to ME!" She's so annoying! Right? You agree, right? Wait, what was I talking about again? Ugh, it doesn't even matter, forget- Oh, wait, I remember! Amprat working on his game! Tell Amprat to stop working on Pikmin 3 because that game is ALREADY OUT and it's BEEN out for like ten years already, and how is Amprat too dumb and stupid baby to realize that? And he should work on Antarctic Survival, which is a WAY better game because I'M in it and I'm super strong and awesome!! His other game is booring, and I don't care and nobody cares either! Yeah! So go tell Amprat to WORK ON MY GAME AGAIN! Spam his talk page until he responds and finishes my game! Or else you're stupid too, and you should just go leave and live in a tree or something!

HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Fire > Everything Else"
TALK – Sunday, Apr 28, 2024
Okay, I have an announcement to make! I made a PAGE on Pikmin Fanon, because you stupid babies and trolls are saying that I'm WEAK!! I'M NOT WEAK!!! I'M THE MOST POWERFUL CREATURE IN THE WHOLE ANTARCTIC!! How powerful? Way more powerful than stupid swords machines and prime long legs souls! Look at my page! It's the most powerful character on this wiki! It's me, obviously. So SWORDS MACHINES can go die in a fire now, because MY character HUNTS swords machines down for BREAKFAST! How do you like THAT??

P3 Bearded Amprat angry.png
A Friendly Amprat – Average Moss enjoyer
TALK – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Hey Scoria, you don't need to re-post the entire page every time you undo an edit that someone makes to your page. You can just erase the old message first. Also, you should link it to this page so people know what you're talking about. Like: Scoria Prime

HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Parents are dumb, who needs 'em??"
TALK – Sunday, Apr 28, 2024
Wait are you the admin? Make Swordmachine stop changing my page! He's just jealous because I'm stronger than his and I'm a Super Prime Soul. Also, I don't know what you mean by erase the old message. I just deleted it because he kept changing my character and ruining my powers!
PtASB Beady Long Legs icon.png
Beady Long Legs – "Im the best!"
Heh.. Stupud... Blud [censored] misspelled stupid! Heheh...

P3 Bearded Amprat angry.png
A Friendly Amprat – Average Moss enjoyer
TALK – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Yeah, I wish he'd stop changing your character, since it isn't his. You can be a Super Prime Soul in your game if you want, but SwordsmachineGaming doesn't want that in his game because those aren't a thing in his game. I might have him make it a separate page based on your character. Though, I don't think people on this wiki are supposed to take other people's characters anyway, but I'm not 100% sure on that because taking other people's enemies and using them is apparently okay.

Thinking about it now i just might copy and paste the infoboxes and put it into a page i should make. Like i should give credit where its due. ~ Swordsmachine(Gaming)

HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "I'm the most powerful creature in the Antarctic!"
TALK – Sunday, Apr 28, 2024
Okay, well I need to go make bricks now, so you trolls better STOP trolling my pages! And admins, make them stop trolling my pages. Make your OWN page and say stupid stuff there, if you gotta do it! Stop messing with MY page and my character! That's really stupid dumb!

Bruh i cant beleive that Scoria didnt even DARE to get the Diamond Settlements Raging Long Legs to try to FIGHT every single arachnorb in the Arachnorb Family all at once! Like- she is actually going to get the Diamond Settlement raided by us if she continues this. - Man-at-Long-Legs

HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "The Tyrant of the Antarctic!!"
TALK – Sunday, Apr 28, 2024
I don't care about the stupid Diamond Settlement's Raging Long Legs! She's a stupid monster who never should have been allowed to join the settlement! The world would be a better place without her, so you can fight her if you want, I don't care at all. Tatoursin might cry about it but he shouldn't get so attached to a horrible thing like that.
PtASB Beady Long Legs icon.png
Beady Long Legs – "Hey! Pikmin SUCKS!"
well- honestly your actually quite [censored] easy since you only take 1 Pikmin to kill. Never knew a dang Hey! Pikmin enemy would be this bossy. Like Man-at-Long-Legs did spend about 100 bucks just so he could fight- whats the Diamond Settlements Raging Long Legs name? Frunnia? I dont [censored] know. But still your actually quite easy to deal with.
HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Fire is super awesome! And I can make fire whenever I want!"
TALK – Monday, Apr 29, 2024
Look, I don't know where you got your information from, but like, I'm not "easy to deal with"??? I'm SUPER TOUGH to deal with! Like I was fighting that Raging Long Legs, the one you're talking about. I would have KILLED her if those other stupids hadn't come and stopped me. Maybe she's tough, but I'M tougher! I don't know about Man At Long Legs, I've never met one of those, but honestly I wouldn't care if he beat up Hank the Tank, heck I'd join him in beating her up! Actually, that sounds fun! Let's do that! Just don't tell Tatoursin or anybody.
PtASB Beady Long Legs icon.png
Beady Long Legs – "Mone- wait i'm not Mr. Krabs."
But still like y'know since your from Hey! Pikmin you didnt want to win the fight since- due to the Raging Long Legs on my team being more of a fighter than a more peaceful type of arachnorb from the Diamond Settlement like- the weaklings there but still arachnorbs can use hazards like fire or gloom. But ya wouldnt win if an arachnorb like me was able to beat Onions into a pulp. Since y'know your legit younger than me.
HP Peeper.png
Gerald – Cluck. See? I can't.
Now its me... The BlademetalPlayer came... I may or not be screwed.

Hello hows life been Gerald? Like since im not actually being a troll rn im wanting that live reaction. ~ Swordsmachine(Gaming)

HP Peeper.png
Gerald – I hate this stupid Jackfruit. Roll it into the dumpster.
After A Rad Recent New. Bauer Pot didn't do me as a leader skin, but he did the rest from there. What they don't know is that I can carry and throw Pikmin with my mind, official. So I should become a skin for this Pimin 2 Again really, not only a NPC. Who cares about logic when there are already many armless Pimin skins based on unused Pimin from Pimin 3 in Crustomizotion. that can somehow still carry, right?
HP Elongated Mockiwi icon.png
Elongated Crushblat – Hello everyone, it's Elongated Crushblat
I wanted to inform you all that it's my turn on the Xbox
HP Firesnout Larva.png
Scoria – "Fire > Everything Else"
TALK – Friday, May 3, 2024
NUH UH!! I get to play the XBOX!! I'm playing MINECRAFT so GET OUTTA MY ROOM!!
HP Elongated Mockiwi icon.png
Elongated Crushblat – Hello everyone, it's Elongated Crushblat
But Calcified Crushblat said it's my turn on the Xbox. I want to boot up Terraria on it
HP Peeper.png
Gerald – Puck.
Infinite Paint.

Blower Pot profile picture.png
Blower Pot – Did you know that there had a yellow spray in the prerelease Pikmin 2? It may be possibly a early version of the ultra-bitter spray.
TALK – 26/06/2024
Scornet (intentional mispelling of Scoria's name) got a signature upgrade, now they are into basically a template, based user pages act like templates. So basically, SwordmachineProGamer cannot edit her signatures anymore.

DANG IT! MY PLAN HAS BEEN FOILED!! Eh. GGs. ~ Swordsmachine(Gaming)

P2 Queen Candypop Bud.png
Queen Candypop – Red, Yellow and Blue are my favourite colours.
It is I, Queen Candypop Bud. I am of royal descent, as you can see.
Null Textbubble.png
NULL – *Buaarrrrp*
Hater right.png
Hater Dekete this WIKIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESTRPY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blower Pot profile picture.png
Blower Pot – Did you know that there had a yellow spray in the prerelease Pikmin 2? It may be possibly a early version of the ultra-bitter spray.
TALK – 26/06/2024
Basically, everyone is here, may be reset soon if stuffs get long again. Yet again!

Yo Amprat? make sure Scoria doesn't use any lyrics from the Killstreak/Terraria Calamity OST. ~ Swordsmachine(Gaming)

Null Textbubble.png
NULL – *Buaarrrrp*
Buuuuuuuuaaarrrp... Buuuarp!
