Alien Aviary

From Pikmin Fanon
Revision as of 23:05, 10 June 2012 by DaGamesta (talk | contribs)

The Alien Aviary is one of the caves you will enter in the Forsaken Forest in Pikoblitz 2. There are some tough enemies here, and this cave is not so much a pleasant one.

Sublevels: 6

Items: 14

Hazards: Water, Electricity, Poison

Sublevel 1

Items: 2

Hazards: None

Layout: Birdhouse-Like Scenery

Sublevel 2

Items: 2

Hazards: Water

Layout: Basic

Sublevel 3

Items: 2

Hazards: Poison

Layout: Basic

Sublevel 4

Items: 5

Hazards: Water, Electricity

Layout: Basic

Sublevel 5

Items: 2

Hazards: Electricity, Poison

Sublevel 6

Items: 1

  • Tripod Generator (Upgrade) 100 Pikmin Points (21 Pikmin)

This is a strange item. Once it is hooked up to the "Quadigon Teleporter," you will receive the Targeting System, explained in the Hospitaliy Caven.