Dwarf Blue Bulborb

From Pikmin Fanon
This article is inspired by unused content in one of the official games. To learn more about its origins, see here.
Dwarf Blue Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
P2 Dwarf Blue Bulborb.png
An edited image showing what the creatures may have looked like in-game.
Family Breadbug (assumed)

The Dwarf Blue Bulborb is an apparent breadbug mimic of the Blue Bulborb. It is seen only in prerelease footage of Pikmin 2, unlike the Blue Bulborb, which was never seen, and apparently became the Dwarf Orange Bulborb.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Dwarf Blue Bulborb.

In Bulborb Game

Bulborb Game
This article or section presents information pertaining to Bulborb Game, a fanon game created by Camwoodstock.
BG Dwarf Blue Bulborb.png

The Dwarf Blue Bulborb is a playable character in Bulborb Game. It can eat lots of Pikmin and once and can hold its mouth open, but it is slow, has less health than a normal dwarf bulborb, and chews Pikmin slowly.

In Pikmin 2: New Year

Pikmin 2: New Year
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 2: New Year, a Pikmin 2 ROM hack created by AmigaOwl.
Dwarf Lapis Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
P2NY Dwarf Blue Bulborb.png
Scientific name Unknown
Family Breadbug
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 2
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Dwarf Lapis Bulborb is a breadbug appearing in Pikmin 2: New Year. It is the dwarf counterpart of the Lapis Bulborb and is a relative of the Dwarf Red Bulborb. They idly sniff the ground back and forth where they stand, often in groups and in the presence of one or more Lapis Bulborbs. When Pikmin or leaders come near a Dwarf Lapis Bulborb, it will perk up with a yip and attempt to get close enough to take a bite of them. However, if they exit its territory, it will return to a point near its original position and resume idle behavior.

They share many physical traits with other dwarf grub-dogs, strongly resembling the creature they are imitating the appearance of but on a much smaller scale. Dwarf Lapis Bulborbs have cream-colored skin and a blue backside bearing white spots. They have a tapered snout, and eyestalks supporting eyes that have white sclerae and blue pupils. Each of their four toes terminates in a single white claw.

Dwarf Lapis Bulborbs on their own are especially easy to defeat considering their low vitality and how throwing even a single Pikmin directly onto one's back will kill it instantly. However, because they are often found in groups, attacks against them must be ended quickly to avoid Pikmin casualties. If they are in the presence of a larger grub-dog, be sure to dispatch them first or they could become a considerable distraction when fighting the creature accompanying them.

In Pikmin 3: The Dweevil's Revenge

Dweevils are gaining revenge!
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 3: The Dweevil's Revenge, created by WooferWoof1.
Dwarf Blue Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
P3TDR Dwarf Blue Bulborb.png
Scientific name Pansarus aquas russus
Family Grub-dog
Areas Watering Hole
Caves Aqua Abyss, Caustic Cave
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 3-5
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 2
Attacks Eats and lures Pikmin

Dwarf Blue Bulborbs are no different than Dwarf Red Bulborbs except their less aggressive and they are always found in or around water. They are also smart enough to lure unsuspecting Pikmin into the water and drown them, something no other breadbug or bulborb does. They give five seeds when brought to the Blue Onion but give three seeds otherwise.

In Pikmin Eco

P3 Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud.png
Pikmin Eco
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Eco, a fanon game created by Sapphire7.
P3 Crimson Candypop Bud.png
Dwarf Blue Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Pansarus aquas russus
Family Breadbug
Areas Shimmering Seaside
Caves Bone Cove, Explorer's Exit
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 3-5
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 2
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Dwarf Blue Bulborb is the blue variant of the Dwarf Red Bulborb appearing in Pikmin Eco. It is the mimic counterpart to the larger Blue Bulborb, and only slightly slower than the red variants.


In-game entry

The adaptability of the breadbug mimics knows no bounds, so it's only natural that the blue bulborb would have a dwarf variant. This breadbug mimic is often found in close proximity to each other and to their larger variants, yet none of them are found in aquatic habitats, indicating that they haven't evolved the semi-aquatic capabilities of the blue bulborb. This indicates that they've only evolved to mimic the younger forms beyond the mature species as younger blue bulborbs are incapable of breathing underwater.

In Pikmin I

PI Blue Bulbmin juvenile icon.png
"This is how you cut a xan cake."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin I, a fanon game created by Dwarf Orange Bulborb.
PI Bulbmin juvenile icon.png
Dwarf Blue Bulborb The icon used to represent this .
PI Dwarf Blue Bulborb.png
Scientific name Kageyamii cobaltiaqua (3rd molt)
Family Grub-dog
Weight 4
Affiliation Pikminivorous wildlife
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Seeds 5
Internal name waterkochappy
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Kingdom Mammalia
Order Dyopodoform
Sub-order Ascanidus
Super-family (taxonomy) Perforoidea
Family (taxonomy) Canidae-perforo
Sub-family (taxonomy) Oculusinae
Tribe Kageyamiini
Genus Kageyamii
Species Cobaltiaqua larva (3rd molt)
Type genus Kageyamii for Kageyamiini

The Dwarf Blue Bulborb is a juvenile species of grub-dog appearing in Pikmin I. It is oftentimes in the company of Blue Bulborbs. Killing them effectively requires landing 5 Pikmin on their back.


Olimar's notes

The Dwarf Blue Bulborb feeds a lot on food full of water. It has not yet grown its gills, as they appear only in the teenage years – they can resist up to 5 crushes by Pikmin, showcasing their strong skeleton.

Louie's Notes

Make boudin noir out of this creature, you will for sure enjoy it!

In Pikmin: Distant Planet

Nuvola warning.png
Distant Planet
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Distant Planet, a fanon game created by Portal-Kombat.
Nuvola warning.png
Dwarf Blue Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
PDP Dwarf Blue Bulborb.png
Scientific name Pansarus pseudoculii cobalti
Family Breadbug
Areas Frigid Mountain, Darkness Plateau
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 4
Attacks Eats Pikmin

Dwarf Blue Bulborbs are a type of breadbug mimic appearing in Pikmin: Distant Planet. They are the smaller counterparts of Blue Bulborbs and are usually found near them, using the large beasts as a form of protection. This creature is evidence of the breadbug family's utter master of mimicry, even in multiple regions of the planet.

In Pikmin: The Duor

Pikmin: The Duor
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Duor, a fanon game created by PurplePikminPower.
It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple pages.
Reason: Azure Bulborb.
Dwarf Azure Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
PTD Dwarf Blue Bulborb.jpg
Scientific name Pansarus pseudocolii ceruli
Family Breadbug
Areas Land of Rebirth
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 3
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Dwarf Azure Bulborb is a species of breadbug appearing in Pikmin: The Duor that mimics the aggressive Azure Bulborb. It is unable to replicate the Azure Bulborb's signature growling and makes high-pitched squeals instead.


Olimar's notes

This strange breadbug can not completely mimic its target, as its vocal cords cannot produce a low enough sound to mimic its target's growls.

In Pikspore

Nuvola warning.png
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikspore, a fanon game created by DrTapeworm.
Nuvola warning.png
Dwarf Blue Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Unknown
Family Breadbug
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikspore, Dwarf Blue Bulborbs are identical to the other dwarf bulborbs in everything but color. In addition, they have slightly more health and seem to occasionally play with nearby Snow Bulborbs. They are also sometimes summoned by the Darkfreeze's second form.


Olimar's notes

A breadbug that mimics the blue bulborb, this small creature doesn't seem too different from the other breadbug mimics. It lacks the trademark retractable sail that the blue bulborb has, instead, it huddles up with other dwarf blue bulborbs to keep itself warm in cold regions.