Electric Bloyster

From Pikmin Fanon
Electric Bloyster
Family Mollusking

The Electric Bloyster is a species of mollusking that can discharge electricity.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Electric Bloyster.

In Pikmin Evolution

Pikmin Evolution icon.png
"An Evolution Revolution."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin Evolution, a fanon game created by Glubfubb.
Pikmin Evolution icon.png
Anoderay Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Molluschid voltun
Family Mollusking
Habitats Coasts
Diet Food particles
Rarity Uncommon
Carry weight 1
Max. carriers 4
Seed worth 5
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 5
Collectable resources Soft mucus
Attacks Electrocutes Pikmin
Resistances Electricity icon.png
Weaknesses Blunt force icon.png

The Anoderay Bloyster is a species of mollusking appearing in Pikmin Evolution. It is noted for its striking color scheme, being jet black with pulsating cyan lines encircling its body like a ring. The flower-like tail of the bloyster hangs on top of its body, similar to the Bloomcap Bloyster. The creature lacks a visible mouth at its front, as its mouth has moved to its tail. On both sides are a root-like tentacle, a very bizarre sight indeed. The Anoderay Bloyster uses its tail to create balls of plasma, which it guides with its two tentacles, moving them in the direction it wants to attack. The resulting electrical shock from the electric sphere stuns larger creatures, or in the case of small creatures, disintegrates them. Following this, The bloyster will consume its prey by unfurling its tail like a flower, blooming and sucking up the ashes. The Anoderay Bloyster is highly hazardous as, due to the constant electricity it radiates, only Wisp Pikmin can attack them; luckily, however, they completely eviscerate the bloyster. Due to all the strange evolutions the Anoderay Bloyster has, it lacks muscle fibers in its tail, meaning it shakes off Pikmin half as fast compared to other bloysters. It also can't spread ink, meaning that against Wisp Pikmin, it's completely helpless. If Wisp Pikmin are unavailable and casualties are inconsequential, sacrifice some Pikmin for the bloyster to eat, as while it feeds, it will temporarily cease discharging electricity, allowing all types of Pikmin to attack it. Of course, this is a highly unreliable strategy, so it is best to fight them with Wisp Pikmin. When slain, they will melt into black slime, from which the tail will rise, free for collecting. Be careful, however, as the slime is conductive and quite slippery. Overall, the Anoderay Bloyster is a strange mollusking that uses electricity and can be a highly potent threat.

In Pikmin: Corporate Combat

P2 Poko icon.png
Business battles!
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Corporate Combat, a fanon game created by Bioman223.
P2 Poko icon.png
Electric Bloyster The icon used to represent this enemy.
Electric Bloyster.jpg
Scientific name Intentione conca
Family Mollusking
Areas Frosting Forest
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 15
Attacks Eats and electrocutes Pikmin

In Pikmin: Corporate Combat, the Electric Bloyster is a white and yellow bloyster with a glowing cyan bulb. It has the same behaviors as the Toady Bloyster but can discharge electricity through its bulb when attacked. If this creature is out of water, use Yellow Pikmin; otherwise, use Blue Pikmin. Remember to call the attacking Blue Pikmin away from the Electric Bloyster whenever its bulb lights up to prevent them from dying.


Olimar's notes

This species of mollusking has used its bioluminescence to discharge concentrated light to kill attackers.

Louie's notes

Inedible. Consumption leads to amnesia and repetition of actions. Inedible. Consumption leads to amnesia and repetition of actions. Inedible. I forget why.