Slithering Shallock: Difference between revisions

From Pikmin Fanon
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m (Undo revision by CraftedPbody: "hides in shell" and "reviving" are not considered attacks here, and are also improperly capitalized.)
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Revision as of 20:06, 11 August 2021

Slithering Shallock The icon used to represent this enemy.
Slithering Shallock.png
Scientific name Molluschid viscosi
Family Mollusking
Carry weight 8
Max. carriers 16
Seed worth 12
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 500
Attacks Eats Pikmin

Slithering Shallocks are molluskings in Pikmin: Infinite Exploration resembling sea snails that hide in their shells to disguise themselves as rocks and wait for Pikmin to unwittingly pass by. Slithering Shallocks attack by shooting out a sticky tongue and grabbing Pikmin. Occasionally, idle shallocks will peek their eyestalks out from under their shells or may even relocate and hide again. Once defeated, the shallock will withdraw into its shell to recover. The easiest way to defeat a Slithering Shallock is to trick it into consuming a bomb rock. If attacking head-on, lure the shallock into peeking out of its shell with a single Pikmin, then bombard the face with a large fleet of either Blue Pikmin or Red Pikmin, depending on which is available.


Olimar's notes

"This medium-sized mollusking uses its highly developed shell to ambush prey by shallow ponds and streams."

Louie's notes

"Rinse the shallock under warm water, remove moss from the shell and set aside as a decorative piece for the dish, pat shells dry with a towel, then set aside. In a small mixing bowl, combine the butter, shallots, garlic, parsley, and lemon juice. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Lightly season butter with salt and pepper, until desired taste is achieved."

In other games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Slithering Shallock.

In Pikmin: Wide World

Pikmin Wide World icon.png
"It's a jungle out there!"
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Wide World, a fanon game created by Cheepy-Cheepy.
Pikmin Wide World icon.png

Template:Infobox pww

The Slithering Shallock is a shelled mollusking appearing in Pikmin: Wide World. A Slithering Shallock can be found slowly creeping around its territory when idle, on land or in shallow water, alone or with another Slithering Shallock. If on land, it leaves a short-lasting slime trail in its wake. It specifically targets Pikmin and Captmin, but not leaders, that come near, and will turn its attention towards nearby Pikmin and attempt to close the distance, where it will bow its head and attempt to eat them should it get close enough. It can eat many Pikmin at a time, but chews and swallows slowly, allowing for ample time to save them from death. Any leaders a Slithering Shallock accidentally bites down on will be chewed up and then spat out, alongside any Pikmin in its mouth at the time.

The Slithering Shallock is the most spindly and elongated member of the mollusking family. It has a slimy, sluglike body, and it has a neck that supports a round but somewhat curved head. Its body tapers to an edge at its flattest points. Its body is beige in color but has cream-colored highlights. Its underbelly and jaws are also cream-colored. Two curved eyestalks support one eye each and have a green rim, and each eye is black in color. On the creature's back is its massive, spiraling shell, which features off-white, red, and black stripes. The Slithering Shallock does not possess a tongue, and its brown-colored mouth is filled with countless tiny, razor-sharp teeth.

Although much of a Slithering Shallock's body is exposed to attack, it is resistant to damage. Attacking the shell will deal no damage to the creature, but it can be destroyed by throwing Rock Pikmin or rocks at it enough times, having Purple Pikmin pound on top of it enough times, it being within the explosion radius of a normal bomb rock, struck by a boulder, crushed by another enemy, or several other circumstances. The shell of a Slithering Shallock can be destroyed even while the creature is still alive, which will grant it higher mobility. When a Slithering Shallock's health falls low enough, it will withdraw into its shell, where it will regenerate its health and temporarily become invulnerable. When it is finished, it will reemerge and continue fighting until it withdraws again, if and when it does. If a Slithering Shallock's shell is destroyed while the creature is withdrawn inside it, it will be both stunned for some time and extremely vulnerable to attack. Upon death, a Slithering Shallock will partially withdraw into its shell, adopting a dried, shriveled, and slightly shrunken appearance, and tip over onto its right side. It will simply go limp if it lacks a shell, adopting the same appearance as just described. Either way, it will yield HP Sparklium icon.png × 6 and its body will be available to carry. Aboveground, its remains can be taken to either the Dolphin Lander for P3 Poko icon.png × 8 or the Master Onion for ten Pikmin seeds. Underground, its remains can be carried to the Dolphin Lander to either receive P3 Poko icon.png × 8 or be stored to later gain ten seeds of any chosen discovered main Pikmin type from the Master Onion, but only if the cave is exited using an escape geyser.


Olimar's notes

"The slithering shallock possesses a nigh-indestructible shell that it uses to defend itself from danger, by withdrawing into it and hiding until the coast is clear. Should its shell be somehow destroyed, its chances of survival reach critically low levels. It peacefully feeds on plant life, using its millions of microscopic teeth to finely grind vegetation into very small pieces before swallowing them."

Shacho's notes

"I was just thinking that maybe this creature's shell could be broken up and turned into a mosaic. I'm sure people back on Hocotate would clamor for some art made with it!"

Marie's notes

"Slithering shallocks are rather passive creatures that need very little training and feed only on plant life, meaning their owners are at no risk of being eaten. Well, unless, of course, they're too close to what the creature is eating, but it is sure to spit them out after realizing what's in its mouth."

Louie's notes

"Cook the creature in its shell for a marvelous shallock escargot!"

Dolphin Lander's notes

"This mollusking is much different from other members of its family because it has a shell, a brilliantly colored one at that! I wonder what evolutionary paths led to it existing?"
