Dwarf Green Bulborb

From Pikmin Fanon
Dwarf Green Bulborb
Family Breadbug

The Dwarf Green Bulborb is a species of breadbug that eats Pikmin.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Dwarf Green Bulborb.

In Pikmin I

PI Blue Bulbmin juvenile icon.png
"This is how you cut a xan cake."
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin I, a fanon game created by Dwarf Orange Bulborb.
PI Bulbmin juvenile icon.png
Dwarf Green Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
PI Dwarf Green Bulborb.png
Scientific name Kageyamii acidusmuscus (3rd molt)
Family Grub-dog
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 10
Seed worth 10
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 6
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Note: all or most of this information may be fanon information.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cannicus
Class Vegeterii
Order Canidaeus
Family Canidae-perforo
Genus Oculus
Species Acidusmuscus

The Dwarf Green Bulborb is an acid-inhabiting member of the grub-dog family appearing in Pikmin I. It is the dwarf counterpart of the Green Bulborb, which usually live in the same dens as them.


Olimar's notes

When this specimen of the grub-dog family is born, it, like the Dwarf Blue Bulborb, eats lots of plants to grow; it might sometimes eat Pikmin too. After its initial 1st larval stage, it grows into a Greenish Dwarf Bulborb, which in this stage will go after sheargrubs and Pikmin more than plants, to grow faster – it then will grow into its 3rd molt, The Dwarf Green Bulborb, which has the same diet as a Greenish Dwarf Bulborb, except it eats acidic things more often. It then will grow into a Teenage Green Bulborb, which is slightly larger than a Dwarf Green Bulborb; these teenage bulborbs will form packs and separate themselves from their parent(s) to hunt Mama and Papa Sheargrubs and will start eating more acidic substances to become more acidic.

Louie's notes

This creature's juices cannot be dried, contrary to the Green Bulborb, thus rendering it inedible.

In Pikmin: The After Years

Zero Two Avatar.gif
The After Years
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The After Years, created by Gamefreak75.
Zero Two Avatar.gif
Dwarf Green Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
Dwarf Green Bulborb.png
Scientific name Pansarus pseudoculii greenus
Family Breadbug
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 4
Attacks Eats Pikmin

The Dwarf Green Bulborb is the dwarf counterpart of the Green Bulborb, in Pikmin: The After Years. They attack like regular Dwarf Red Bulborbs, and like them, they are weak and can easily be swarmed or crushed.

In Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War

General Bulben.png
The Bulblaxian War
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War, created by AlmightyCreeperLord.
General Bulben.png
Dwarf Green Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
PTBW Dwarf Green Bulborb.png
Scientific name Pansarus pseudoculii viridius
Family Breadbug
Caves Curious Cove
Carry weight 3
Max. carriers 6
Seed worth 4
Attacks Eats Pikmin

In Pikmin: The Bulblaxian War, Dwarf Green Bulborbs act like Dwarf Red Bulborbs, except they tend to hang around Green Bulborbs. They do not breathe fire, unlike the creatures they mimic. They only appear in Curious Cove.


Olimar's notes

This breadbug is a mimic of the green bulborb, however, it is unable to produce fire, thank goodness. Though, perhaps, the young green bulborbs can't breathe fire, thus making it the perfect mimic.

Ship's notes

How this dwarf green bulborb can be a so-called "perfect mimic" is beyond my computations. I mean, like, it has a different eye type, different colored body... Oh, wait...

In Pikmin: Mission D

Pikmin: Mission D
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Mission D, a fanon game created by MFSMS710.
Dwarf Acid Bulborb The icon used to represent this enemy.
PMD Dwarf Green Bulborb.png
Scientific name Pansarus pseudooculii sulfuricus
Family Breadbug
Attacks Eats and corrodes Pikmin

The Dwarf Acid Bulborb is a species of breadbug appearing in Pikmin: Mission D. It can eat Pikmin and disintegrate them with acid.